Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Should Lasagna Be Covered When Baking

Cassata Swordfish (recipe Peppe Giuffre `modified)

The original recipe is from our sicilianissimo chef Peppe Giuffre `and is located in one of his wonderful books, filled with stories, recipes and photographs, titled " Officinagastronomica " edition Peppe Giuffre `.

Ingredients for six people

1 kg tuna sliced \u200b\u200ban inch thick circular
1 / 2 kg
of cherry tomatoes 100 gr . peeled and chopped pistachios
2 zucchini 1 bunch of Genoese
" giritelli "
wild mint, basil, parsley, oregano, bay leaves, 1 orange and lemon pepper

50 grams of bread crumbs
two glasses of white wine and catarratto insolia


In a baking dish place some bay leaves, slices of lemon and a bit `d` olive oil. Arrange a slice of tuna, after it has been sprinkled with salt, and arrange over the tomatoes in slices, zucchini slices previously fried, boiled vegetables, a handful of mint, basil, parsley and oregano, a handful of pistachios, a sprinkling bread crumbs and pepper.

Cover with a slice of tuna and repeat the seasoning, cover with a slice of tuna and other `decorate using the green of the pistachios and parsley, red cherry , l` d `orange peel and orange yellow rind of lemon to decorate like a Sicilian Cassata.

Bake, after pouring the wine into the pan, and bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for 20 minutes or more .


Instead of tuna I used swordfish. You can do two or three floors. One of the figures shows the three frog recipe made with fish. In this case, however, ` cooking is taken a long time and has been necessary to cut the flesh into more parts per slice to cook the middle. More simple and has been cooking the dish in two layers, I avoided the vegetables given in the original recipe and I used zucchini instead of Neapolitan the Genoese. The cooking time is more than an hour with the `trick often to wet the surface of the fish with the cooking liquid. I also used the `orange slices to decorate the dish and make a border around. L `aesthetic effect is wonderful and the taste amazing.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sample Of Franchise Proposal

bowls of ice cream brick

For the sorbet Pineapple:

600 grams of pulp pineapple
300 gr fresh cream
125 gr icing sugar
few mint leaves

For the sorbet melon 1 melon

300 gr
125 gr fresh cream icing bzucchero

For the cups: 18

pods ice cream cone-shaped cup
500 g bar of dark chocolate

Make bath maria dissolve the chocolate. With tongs dip for deep-frying the wafers one at a time covering them well inside (it's convenience the help of a teaspoon). Let them dribble well and place them upside down on a sheet with parchment paper. Exhausted all the cups, place in freezer on a tray, taking care to keep them away from the `a on the other.
Mix the fruit pulp and mix with the whipped cream with sugar icing.
It is pleasant for a few leaves of mint ice cream with pineapple.
Pour the mixture into a bowl, place in freezer. Several times a day (out) -:) remove the pan from freezer and blend the mixture with electric whips immersion. `So Proceed until you reach the texture you like.
Recover wafers coated with chocolate and fill with 8 pineapple sorbet and 8 with that of melon, decorate as desired. Put in freezer until ready to eat them.
The coating prevents these pods are soft.