Friday, October 10, 2008

Extigy Windows 7 64 Bit

A meme from Spain

`I accept the invitation of Sonia to participate in the meme. I'm not sure, Because, had it all!

The six things I do not like (the first that come to mind) are:

The combination of ignorance, presumption (it's really terrible!)

feeling lonely and neglected;

Place trays of My daughters and disordered find them the next day

Commit to make a cake (is not my forte) and discover too late that you forgot the yeast

Arriving late for an appointment;

do a job that I do not bonus

The things I like are :

A nice handful of toasted nuts to taste with your eyes closed;

A back massage done by hands warm and strong for my daughter;

Shopping with a credit card of her husband;


receive compliments for something;

Listen to music that I like very loud

Tour this meme to:
Coco `


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