Monday, December 8, 2008

What Date Does Ernie Draw Premium Bond

Roses salmon

These roses of the pasta I cooked some time ago and I have no more to the recipe. I think I have taken it from a Salt and Pepper, but I'm not even sure of that.
The only thing I remember is that for a packet of fresh lasagne (250 gr.) Was expected quantities of 500 grams of smoked salmon. I've used it less than half and came very good.

In short, I have drawn on each lasagna abundant white sauce, spinach and smoked salmon in quantities you want, and I formed the rolls as shown. I then placed the roses in a dish and poured over other elongated white sauce with a bit of milk. Bake until cooked. be redone for Christmas.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Reptiles To Do Reports On

soup with mussels, fennel and broccoli

Ingredients for 4:

2 kg of mussels
2 bunches fennel
1 / 2 onion
two or three spoons of boiled cauliflower already
some black olive
150 g spaghetti cut

Procedure: Remove

the wire and clean the mussels well. Them to burst into a wide pan and peel them, save the filtrate. Cook the fennel in a pot of salted water. Make a small fry the grated onion and a thread of olive oil, add the broccoli and fennel. Add the pitted olives and finally the mussels. After a few minutes with the water stretch of the fennel el `water mussels. To boil, throw 150 g of spaghetti and second cut off the stove and boil cover the pot with a lid. After ten minutes the soup is cooked.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Extigy Windows 7 64 Bit

A meme from Spain

`I accept the invitation of Sonia to participate in the meme. I'm not sure, Because, had it all!

The six things I do not like (the first that come to mind) are:

The combination of ignorance, presumption (it's really terrible!)

feeling lonely and neglected;

Place trays of My daughters and disordered find them the next day

Commit to make a cake (is not my forte) and discover too late that you forgot the yeast

Arriving late for an appointment;

do a job that I do not bonus

The things I like are :

A nice handful of toasted nuts to taste with your eyes closed;

A back massage done by hands warm and strong for my daughter;

Shopping with a credit card of her husband;


receive compliments for something;

Listen to music that I like very loud

Tour this meme to:
Coco `

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Telecharger Age Of Empire 1 Version Complete

Pasta with prawns and crunchy nuts

The food nourishes and comforts! This is a paste that consoles but that lightens the pockets, especially if the guests are so many! But for a Welcome to the family, after a bad summer between hospitals and doctors, is what it takes.
L `key ingredient is the fish of confidence, because the prawns are really fresh. And then a mixture of chopped nuts toasted in a pan together with the toasted breadcrumbs' it too.

Serves 4:

After washing a dozen jumbo shrimp, peel, leaving the heads. Blanch them briefly in a pan with olive oil, garlic and oregano. Cook al dente 350 gr. pulp of the desired format and, after draining, but not too much, toss in pan with the prawns for a minute. Join, finally, the breadcrumbs and crunchy mixture of pine nuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Should Lasagna Be Covered When Baking

Cassata Swordfish (recipe Peppe Giuffre `modified)

The original recipe is from our sicilianissimo chef Peppe Giuffre `and is located in one of his wonderful books, filled with stories, recipes and photographs, titled " Officinagastronomica " edition Peppe Giuffre `.

Ingredients for six people

1 kg tuna sliced \u200b\u200ban inch thick circular
1 / 2 kg
of cherry tomatoes 100 gr . peeled and chopped pistachios
2 zucchini 1 bunch of Genoese
" giritelli "
wild mint, basil, parsley, oregano, bay leaves, 1 orange and lemon pepper

50 grams of bread crumbs
two glasses of white wine and catarratto insolia


In a baking dish place some bay leaves, slices of lemon and a bit `d` olive oil. Arrange a slice of tuna, after it has been sprinkled with salt, and arrange over the tomatoes in slices, zucchini slices previously fried, boiled vegetables, a handful of mint, basil, parsley and oregano, a handful of pistachios, a sprinkling bread crumbs and pepper.

Cover with a slice of tuna and repeat the seasoning, cover with a slice of tuna and other `decorate using the green of the pistachios and parsley, red cherry , l` d `orange peel and orange yellow rind of lemon to decorate like a Sicilian Cassata.

Bake, after pouring the wine into the pan, and bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for 20 minutes or more .


Instead of tuna I used swordfish. You can do two or three floors. One of the figures shows the three frog recipe made with fish. In this case, however, ` cooking is taken a long time and has been necessary to cut the flesh into more parts per slice to cook the middle. More simple and has been cooking the dish in two layers, I avoided the vegetables given in the original recipe and I used zucchini instead of Neapolitan the Genoese. The cooking time is more than an hour with the `trick often to wet the surface of the fish with the cooking liquid. I also used the `orange slices to decorate the dish and make a border around. L `aesthetic effect is wonderful and the taste amazing.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sample Of Franchise Proposal

bowls of ice cream brick

For the sorbet Pineapple:

600 grams of pulp pineapple
300 gr fresh cream
125 gr icing sugar
few mint leaves

For the sorbet melon 1 melon

300 gr
125 gr fresh cream icing bzucchero

For the cups: 18

pods ice cream cone-shaped cup
500 g bar of dark chocolate

Make bath maria dissolve the chocolate. With tongs dip for deep-frying the wafers one at a time covering them well inside (it's convenience the help of a teaspoon). Let them dribble well and place them upside down on a sheet with parchment paper. Exhausted all the cups, place in freezer on a tray, taking care to keep them away from the `a on the other.
Mix the fruit pulp and mix with the whipped cream with sugar icing.
It is pleasant for a few leaves of mint ice cream with pineapple.
Pour the mixture into a bowl, place in freezer. Several times a day (out) -:) remove the pan from freezer and blend the mixture with electric whips immersion. `So Proceed until you reach the texture you like.
Recover wafers coated with chocolate and fill with 8 pineapple sorbet and 8 with that of melon, decorate as desired. Put in freezer until ready to eat them.
The coating prevents these pods are soft.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Orbit Car Starter How Does It Work

For a drink or dinner "finger food" a remake of the Tunisian brik.
The sheets are already ready in the shops. They're like pancakes, place the `a` on the other, separated by transparent sheets. You just need to make the filling, pressing the potatoes and mix with tuna in the oil drained, chopped capers, parsley and plenty of salt, if necessary.
Place a spoonful of this mixture into each sheet, fold as desired by gluing the edges of the cracks with a bit of water, oleare lightly with a brush of the oil and grease to paint in the oven to 200 degrees. Serve hot

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Seizure And Memory Loss

Tuna Patties with half sleeves and eggplant sword

Ingredients: 250 g

half sleeves or other long pasta eggplant

3 1 / 2 kg swordfish, cut into chunks 1 clove garlic

round red tomatoes, basil and mint to taste
a handful of raisins and / or pine nuts as

Procedure: Cut

two slices of eggplant and the other one into pieces, sprinkle with salt and let stand for about an hour.
Rinse, dry and fry keeping gold. In a large skillet saute a garlic clove with the two tomatoes peeled and chopped, add the pieces of the sword, mint and basil and eggplant pieces. Adjust salt. Just a few minutes of cooking stirring often. Add at the end raisins and pine nuts.
While the pasta cooks coat the molds (the number depends on the size) with slices of eggplant, placing well not to leave blank. Season the pasta with the sauce freshly prepared and requesting them to fill the molds with protruding strips of eggplant.
can be prepared earlier, at the appropriate time in warm oven and baked on hot plates.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sanyo Pro 700 Usb Cable

Brioche meat and mushrooms

For the pastry: 500 gr flour 00

25 g yeast 150 g butter

1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 5 eggs

For the filling:

400 gr minced meat
mushrooms (No. `to taste) 2 tablespoons flour

milk to taste Parmesan cheese to taste
oil, garlic, salt, pepper, nutmeg


Prepare a ball of dough with 150 grams of flour and yeast dissolved in a bit of warm water. Let rise for about ten minutes.

Working in a large bowl the remaining flour with the softened butter, salt, sugar and beaten eggs with violence against the walls of the container. Will soon join the `plain loaf and keep working the dough slapping`. It seems that the noise of the slap is a sign of a good work! (The muscles of the arms are a good sign).

`When dough is smooth and velvety even more, a buttered baking sheet lined with its 2 / 3 are also of the walls.

Fill with the filling meat that is made like this:

In a large skillet, brown the meat with a little olive oil `el` garlic, add the mushrooms and salt. Turn often. When cooked, remove the pan from heat and add the flour in a corner with half a cup, approximately, of milk. Mix quickly with a whisk to avoid lumps.

Now mix everything together and, if necessary, adjust the density of `other milk mixture. Cook a few more minutes. Finally, combine Parmesan cheese, pepper, and especially nutmeg.

Close the cake with the remaining dough. Brush with beaten egg and allow to rest about an hour. Switch the oven for 40 min. to 160 degrees

The recipe for brioche me and has been provided by Chef Peppe Giuffre `, an important figure in the world of gastronomy, which brings with pride, dedication to simplicity is the Sicilian cuisine around the globe. I'll talk to him very soon. Meanwhile, I suggest a visit to his blog, see link "peppegiuffre"

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bloody Cervical Mucus With Metformin

The mantovanine

When there is no bread and no one wants to leave you at home with their own hands. The recipe is not mine, have a script ! But something personal and `c`, I used kamut flour instead of the grain 00. I propose to increase the salt a little bit because , according to the recommended doses, the bread is result a little bit tasteless. I have not used the machine to roll out the dough ', but `I have spread with a rolling pin and also to approximate because it was tiring! The result is, however, was perfect. The recipe is here