Thursday, March 25, 2010

Swimming Dolphins Cuba

Paganini does not repeat, and the delicious pizza with sourdough

I have not talked about my pasta-mother born in early September 2009 and is perhaps unnecessary to do so having regard to the amount of information that you can retrieve Internet girovogando among the multitude of blogs de cuisine.
E 'urgent, however, put on paper the recipe for the best pizza I've ever eaten and never (modestly) preparation. E 'born that way by chance, daughter worthy of a good mother, during the many experiments that I do regularly from September to develop a good bread and good pizza.

I must say that I agree with those who already know the dough in saying that the results are always surprising! ... And the surprises are not always good! Sourdough is really whimsical and, at the same doses of recipes and the results are never the same.

If, indeed, of this memorable pizza I repeated the experiment a second time, doubling the dose and changing the dressing. After five hours of proving I was forced to fire, because of my appetite, and perhaps because of insufficient leavening, the result was disappointing. Fortunately, with natural yeast nothing serious ever happens to digestion, even when the yeast is not the maximum. The pizza is a bit 'lower, less brittle, but it is very digestible. And anyway, hoping that Paganini
repeated doses here are a few more times and procedure.

Dose: 120 g of sourdough
refreshed twice
400 g of flour manitoba

230/250 g of water 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar 1 heaping tablespoon of salt

4 tablespoons extra


the evening I proceeded to the usual refreshments of sourdough, the same weight of flour and half the weight of water. I repeated the morning at nine the operation and after three hours I picked up from mixing 120 g of sourdough and I have kept the rest in an airtight jar in the refrigerator.

In bread machine I put all the ingredients and I started the program mix.
few minutes later I dusted the dough with another handful of flour because it was very soft and difficult to handle. I paved, ungendomi hands of oil into the baking tray in the oven
umburrata. I covered everything with a clean towel and let rest tiepidino eight hours in the oven (turned off). Meanwhile, I cooked a bowl of cherry tomatoes cut in half in a pan with a little oil and a clove of garlic. After five minutes I recovered by using the cooking liquid for a filling and I did well to dry tomatoes. I prepared a mixture of diced mozzarella and provolone on the bottom of a colander.

At 20 pm, so after eight hours, I covered the pizza, well risen noticeably, with a rich layer of cubes of cheese and then with the tomatoes, I added oregano and a pinch of pepper and some oil .
I cooked in the oven at 280/300 degrees. Friable, soft and lightweight

Friday, March 19, 2010

Type Of Rash Acute Hiv

Easter dish: Lamb stuffed with bitter greens and pistachio

Recipe Peppe Giuffrè


A boneless leg of lamb cooked ham

100 g 200 g meat Pork
200 g mixed vegetables love (turnip greens, radicchio, arugula)
50 g of dried beef, diced
50 g pistachios shelled and peeled
50 g breadcrumbs 50 g pecorino

1 egg
1 bunch parsley 1 sprig of rosemary

onion, carrots and celery salt and pepper and


Cook vegetables and drain them. In a bowl make a dough with the bread crumbs, pork and ham, chopped egg, parsley, pecorino, salt and pepper to taste. Combine the drained vegetables and cut, whole or just crushed pistachios and chopped rosemary. Line the dough with the legs stretched prepared, add the strips of meat to form a roll and tie with kitchen twine. In the bottom of a pan put the chopped onion, carrot, celery and parsley and olive oil. Place the lamb and drizzle with more olive oil and white wine. Bake for 30 min. about it in the oven to 180 degrees. Serve sliced \u200b\u200b

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Poptropica Cheats For Multiverse

Calamari stuffed with sweet wine of Pantelleria in a pressure cooker

I came back because I have so much to tell. I hope to find time to write and keep alive this long neglected blog. But my cooking blog friends I never give it up. A peek around the date and I've always updated.

This is a tried and tested recipe and easy for me, among other things, to a variety of changes.
ingredients that can not be missed are three: the squid (or squid), a good pace of Pantelleria (or a Malvasia delle Lipari) and a pressure cooker.
In fact, as often happens, is the result of more experience.

always use a pressure cooker for cooking squid, avoid the hassle of long cooking and results still not satisfactory in view of the characteristic of this mollusk. Several years ago during an Easter Island of Salina, a place so close to me since I taught at a school in Lipari, the owner where the hotel accommodation as well as the mother of a student I do not know if this is important, we did eat, among other delicacies of the island, the squid to Malvasia. I'll never forget!
introduced me to the kitchen to seek guidance, it was for me as I was the teacher!
Good times, then count for something. At least some respect!

Since then prepare this dish often, but avoid fried and using the aid of pressure cooker that makes the most tender squid. After the opportunity to buy good Malvasia after school and having more frequently a history of Pantelleria rather than a Malvasia delle Lipari, the recipe has undergone changes.

Two or three tablespoons of lightly toasted bread crumbs for squid, a bit 'of Parmesan, the tentacles and the head reduced to small pieces of squid, one of a handful of raisins and pine nuts, parsley, salt, abundant oil. But you can vary the filling lightly browned add the onion, oregano rather than opens the parsley, fresh mint, a bit 'of tomato sauce, lemon cheese, bits of spicy cheese etc.. etc..
It is important to knead the filling, making it soft with oil (or cooking with the tomato broth) and salt bags for squid before filling. Another trick is to not fill them completely but about 3 / 4, close the opening with a toothpick and teasing with the prongs of a fork or a toothpick to avoid them breaking during cooking. Arrange in bottom of pressure cooker, cover with a glass of sweet wine and half a glass of water and bring to pressure. After seven minutes from time the squids are cooked. Wait another five minutes before opening the pot. Slice only when they are cold and serve in a pan with the cooking after they are heated in the oven.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Best Cold Steel Tanto

The dish cries ?! The breadsticks

How sad, it seems that in all these months I have not cooked anything? I'll be back at the cost
to read alone. A collection is always comfortable, it's a good way to avoid chasing around recipes from notes and journals in the ears of the kitchen. See you soon