Thursday, March 25, 2010

Swimming Dolphins Cuba

Paganini does not repeat, and the delicious pizza with sourdough

I have not talked about my pasta-mother born in early September 2009 and is perhaps unnecessary to do so having regard to the amount of information that you can retrieve Internet girovogando among the multitude of blogs de cuisine.
E 'urgent, however, put on paper the recipe for the best pizza I've ever eaten and never (modestly) preparation. E 'born that way by chance, daughter worthy of a good mother, during the many experiments that I do regularly from September to develop a good bread and good pizza.

I must say that I agree with those who already know the dough in saying that the results are always surprising! ... And the surprises are not always good! Sourdough is really whimsical and, at the same doses of recipes and the results are never the same.

If, indeed, of this memorable pizza I repeated the experiment a second time, doubling the dose and changing the dressing. After five hours of proving I was forced to fire, because of my appetite, and perhaps because of insufficient leavening, the result was disappointing. Fortunately, with natural yeast nothing serious ever happens to digestion, even when the yeast is not the maximum. The pizza is a bit 'lower, less brittle, but it is very digestible. And anyway, hoping that Paganini
repeated doses here are a few more times and procedure.

Dose: 120 g of sourdough
refreshed twice
400 g of flour manitoba

230/250 g of water 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar 1 heaping tablespoon of salt

4 tablespoons extra


the evening I proceeded to the usual refreshments of sourdough, the same weight of flour and half the weight of water. I repeated the morning at nine the operation and after three hours I picked up from mixing 120 g of sourdough and I have kept the rest in an airtight jar in the refrigerator.

In bread machine I put all the ingredients and I started the program mix.
few minutes later I dusted the dough with another handful of flour because it was very soft and difficult to handle. I paved, ungendomi hands of oil into the baking tray in the oven
umburrata. I covered everything with a clean towel and let rest tiepidino eight hours in the oven (turned off). Meanwhile, I cooked a bowl of cherry tomatoes cut in half in a pan with a little oil and a clove of garlic. After five minutes I recovered by using the cooking liquid for a filling and I did well to dry tomatoes. I prepared a mixture of diced mozzarella and provolone on the bottom of a colander.

At 20 pm, so after eight hours, I covered the pizza, well risen noticeably, with a rich layer of cubes of cheese and then with the tomatoes, I added oregano and a pinch of pepper and some oil .
I cooked in the oven at 280/300 degrees. Friable, soft and lightweight


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