Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sample Letter To Franchise

What better way to know two new friends cuochine?!
course participate in their first harvest! ;;)
Stefy and I'm talking about Rosy , until now, I admit, I did not know ... (After all there are so many food-blogger in the blogosphere, that it would take at least 2 whole lives to follow you all!), But from now on, girls will follow you with great pleasure, because I am also really good, you know ?!
Hey, but have you seen prepare delicious chocolates?!
do not care ... At Ferrero I'm sorry to say so myself (I live in Turin and of course the establishment of Alba, Ferrero precisely, is for us a real reason to be proud!), but their chocolates (BUT you've seen them?! ) looked exactly like the original and then who knows that good ...
Well girls and now we come to the point, let's see that "ricettuzza" I made up for your collection, issue of my apple strudel, made originally from a recipe from Gualtiero Marchesi, now that I tried and tested! I've done so many times and I always like to say that at all!
Here it is:)

I Ingredients:
For the pastry:
250 gr flour 00
1 albumen
50 g butter
1 tablespoon warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
a pinch of salt
For the filling:
1 / 2 kilo of apples (preferably rennet)
3 tablespoons sugar
juice and grated rind of one lemon
1 pinch ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons raisins soaked in warm water
30 grams of almonds
30 g walnuts peeled
30 grams of peeled hazelnuts

30 grams of pine nuts 2 tablespoons bread crumbs
50 g butter
1 egg yolk
2 packets of sugar

sieving Prepare the dough on a board and adding the middle one at a time and gradually all the ingredients (reserving the yolk of the egg). Knead until the dough is smooth sbattendolo several times on a work surface, then form a nice ball and leave covered in a warm place for about an hour.
Meanwhile wash and peel the apples, remove the core and slice very thin. Let them now in a bowl with water and lemon juice, because it does not blacken. Chop well drained and dried nuts and raisins. Fry the breadcrumbs in melted butter. Place on a pastry cloth and a Lie down well pull the dough with a rolling pin, trying to give it an oval shape. Now brush the surface of the pastry with butter and Lie down the apples, taking care to leave about 2 fingers from the edge of the sheet. then distributed evenly on the surface of the apples and add all the dried fruit, cinnamon, raisins and squeeze the bread crumbs browned well. Now carefully lift the edges without breaking the dough, roll the strudel on himself with the help of cloth and then close it by pressing the edges to seal well. Spennelate the surface of strudel with egg yolk and a little melted butter and place in preheated oven for 15 minutes at 200 ° C then reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 45 minutes at 180 ° C. Let cool and serve, if you like, sprinkled with powdered sugar (I used the normal one, because I was left without!)

The process is somewhat laborious it is true, but I assure you it worth the effort!
And after this long introduction ... as you'll see that with this recipe for the collection Stefy and Rosy?! Mah ..
: P hihihihi! And here's the banner:

Good luck to all participants in e. .. may the best win!
: -*


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