Thursday, November 4, 2010

Beanie Cap With Small Bill

oil flavored with lemon

This recipe seems a little too summer, I know, but I can (like a good little ant! ) to exploit the benefits of my "production" summer in autumn!
E 'an oil that has prepared me and gave my mom, which I immediately stole the recipe to replicate it, because obviously I very much appreciated! : X
beginning I used only for dress the salads and fish, but now I generously dispensed and used in many other preparations, which require a hint of lemon, because the taste is really lovely!
As usual, the real secret lies in finding the best raw materials, or organic lemons or otherwise from absolutely sure (my mom took me as a friend of his to Sorrento) and a good extra virgin olive oil, preferably cold-pressed to avoid losing the excellent nutritional properties characteristics of olive oils. Here's how to prepare it:

1 liter of extra virgin olive oil cold pressed
2 organic lemons or untreated

Procedure :
really very simple, having washed the lemons, slice them and place them on a plate sprinkled with a little salt. Let stand for about ten minutes (so that "lose some of their juice) and then cover them with oil, using a sealed glass container, which will close properly and left in the dark for ten days or forget it!

After this time, remove the lemon slices and filtered with a Garzino, invaded the oil in special bottles.
I've also got because I find that there is nothing finer than sharing! Sorts of good things! Do you?

P er the his collection another recipe I had in Serbia, but as I explicitly suggested to add, here I am:

With this recipe for the collection of Maetta . Actually, I did not think that my recipe "worth ".... (Do not know why but I was not a "sauce", but re-reading his post well , you are right, he wrote that it was intended to salsa, but in the broadest sense!)

And now for the Relay of friendship, who is running for a while in our blog and came up to me with the passing of the baton by Kristina All of Eye of the blog through Christ you have been very nice to have thought of me!

And here are the rules:

1) create a post please use the logo of the relay 14 and invite the blogging that you would like to know better;
2 ) to post the 8 questions below,
3) respond to your post on the same

So ...
1 - When an small wonder what you wanted to do something big answer?
Without hesitation I answered: The Biologist !!!!! Since I was 8 years old! ;)
2 - What were your favorite cartoons?
order: Candy (and I was madly: X love with Terence !!!!) Heidi, Grendizer, Pollon and Bia!
3-What were your favorite games?
Dolce Forno, princesses to play with my sister and with a chemistry set!
4-What is your birthday was the best and why?
remember with joy all my birthdays, because it is sacred in our family celebrate, but perhaps the most beautiful ever was 3 years ago when I celebrated for the first time "from mom" .. . Matt had just 3 months!
5-What are the things that absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done? Lots
I would say that I still visit many places and many, many dreams! One of all: take a course in professional cooking!
6-What was your first sporting passion and do not?
basketball and gymnastics, swimming even though I've always done and now I am also fond of trekking. Among my passions are not sports ... I started sewing and embroidery was a child watching mom and grandmother! And I love to do it again now! I mean give me to do any manual work if you want to make me happy!
7-What was your first musical idol?
Luis Miguel .. (With us kids today ...) I had a room plastered with posters of her!
8 - What was the best thing sought (and eventually receipt) to Santa, Baby Jesus, Saint Lucia?
No doubt: The small chemical ! As I had wanted!

That's it, now I choose 14 bloggers to switch the relay, but the choice is too difficult, I saw that came to virtually everyone, so I leave it to you!
friends cuochine Who among you has not yet received and not feel like "going up on stage to take the baton?!
Please forward ...
: -*


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