Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wedding Templates Spanish

This recipe comes from "Great recipe for Gualtiero Marchesi" my first big book of kitchen (there are more than a thousand pages !), I had bought with my pennies, still in high school ... um out of curiosity I checked ... edition dated 1995!
guys talk about the era of Flinston !
I know ... by, I am old, I am old, but as you, luckily;) even see me: D
And then we tested the recipes, however, must always take account of it?
And I'd say this ... PROVEN it is so!
Who knows how many times I've already done ...

200 grams of shelled hazelnuts (I gentle round of Alba)
250 gr of white flour
250 g sugar
150 grams of butter

3 eggs 1 tablespoon baking
5 tablespoons milk

Finely chop the hazelnuts (I will leave you with the skins, because I like to remain somewhat marbled, if you prefer you can use already peeled hazelnuts, to get a lighter color of the cake) flour sifted with baking powder. Beat the yolks with sugar and add the melted butter, chopped nuts and flour. Finally, add the tablespoon of milk and stir to mix well the mixture. Then mount the egg whites until stiff and incorporate gently. Pour into a baking pan and bake (in a preheated oven) and cook for about 40 minutes at 180 ° C.
Who won the first slice?!

is sometimes used to accompany this giuanduia cake with cream or hot chocolate melted.
It 's a typical Piedmont cake, so I thought of reporting them to Twostella de The Cherry Orchard for his splendid initiative that put the banner below!

Those of you who still do not know it is asked to snoop on his blog, which I find an unparalleled sophistication and elegance! Do not believe us? Then click here !
The idea for the initiative Twostella "Food bloggers Piedmont addicted" is to collect all the recipes from the Piedmont and exchange tips and culinary traditions!
Good idea, right?


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