Monday, March 7, 2011

Amethyst Geode For Sale Toronot

Dolcetti for Carnival: chickpeas STUFFED Sulmona

My father lived in Sulmona for many years and has long told me of these which he was fond of sweets, that his mother made him in a time of celebration ... unfortunately no longer having to use his original recipe, I had to search online and then also by his memories, I did my own mix and here these STUFFED CHICK Sulmona, in the practice of ravioli stuffed with sweet chickpea and chocolate almonds. Lacking I used candied orange peel, which I think goes divinely with chocolate and indeed, perhaps there is even better!

For the pastry:
500 g 00 flour 1 egg

½ cup oil
75 grams of sugar
¼ cup dry white wine

For the filling:
250 grams of boiled chick peas
75 grams of sugar
75 grams of dark chocolate chips
75 grams of ground almonds
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon instant coffee
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
the grated rind of 1 orange
½ cup of liquor (I used my perfect love)
powdered sugar as needed to cover

Place in the flour, break the egg mixture and mix well, add sugar, oil and finally the white wine, working vigorously until the dough is nice and smooth and homogeneous. Then make a ball, wrap in foil and continue preparing the filling. For the filling I used a can of chickpeas already cooked (otherwise if you leave from the dried ones you soak them and proceed with normal cooking), I rinsed well and shakes, then I mixed them with sugar, honey, ground almonds, chocolate chips, the cocoa powder, instant coffee, cinnamon, and finally the grated rind of an orange. Mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture, and finally if you like flavored with a dash of liqueur. I used my just perfect love, which sooner or later I'll have to decide to post the recipe, because it is good to use with the desserts!
Now proceed and take the dough prepared by spreading a very thin pastry. I do it with a rolling pin, because my grandmother and I can not duck the few times I tried I always had a fight! (So \u200b\u200bI give up, because long before I end with a rolling pin!)
Place a teaspoon of filling on the pastry cases (including one row at a time) and then fold the dough over and squeeze it well to let out the air and then sealed as a form of ravioli with wheel-cut pasta. The ravioli thus obtained should be fried in hot oil a few minutes on each side until they are just those facts, then drain and raddreddare first be coated with sugar, but I have them cooked in the oven for 20 minutes at 170 ° C in a convection oven. I'm obviously not been smooth, but more crisp ... but also less greasy!
As I have pointed out that the doses I have advanced a lot of dough (it certainly would have been enough half that dose, but it was the first time that I attempt with the recipe so I could not know it) I thought of us lies!
And here they are:

With this recipe you can find good initiative to participate as described in the pages of Martha in the kitchen :

I would also like to thank very much also the sweetest Chaillrun , which was so nice to think back to me with another prize that he wanted give me:
with my whole heart kitty!

In return around this award to all those readers of this blog from the most frequent in those quiet, casual, sporadic, in short to all of you: x, for whatever reason you've come here to , read this blog, and you give a "special taste" the existence of these pages!
I must also apologize to all of you blogger friends and not, for my absence from the network, but the post has been programmed, because I'll be on vacation all a week! :) I do not
remains to hug you all to thank you again for your love and wish you good week, and that it is special for all of you ... as much as mine! ;))


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