Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lupus Anticoagulant Normal Level

moons stuffed with jam berries and apples, smiling ... .. Rape

The moon from here .. sometimes I have to imagine it instead takes down half the sky, illuminating all, like a great dream of wonders and magic lantern that shines on a blue satin robe overseas. Between a building and one can still see Orion and feel a little less lost, there are small details that sometimes you come to the rescue, they work like little bushes, small marks and fingerprints with which to feel a little safer, find the own way or have more courage to pursue it. Yesterday it poured fast and I sheltered in Feltrinelli, I could be there in library hours, we lost days, I sit on soft chairs flipping through various books, fragrances or drinking hot espressini ( marocchni sorry) every now and watch people silently moving shelf in the shelf. A little girl close to tears because the mother had the doll was dropped a button eye, fell under the shelf in a slot, I dropped the book and tried to retrieve the button with his mother, but no one was caught, the child repeated how did that now that he could not see, in tears for the pain so sad. So both me and his mother have tried to cheer her up, saying that now that would be returned home my mother would settle all the sniffling girl shook her head like someone who just could not make himself understood, swollen eyes and sad .. we see a man approaching, I think an artist, dressed in light clothing than the cold weather, smiles, squats and rips a piece from her album, a pencil drawing with a smiling moon and a large snowy landscape with ice skaters happy and flying owls. Hands it to the little girl smiling in an Italian and a little broken, he tells her not to cry now is that the doll with a wink, because he wanted to make it fun. Li sorriso.La mimics a girl looks at him astonished, I smile, then looks at the doll and the picture, his eyes a little less red and laughing, "It looks real mother is doing the winking, you see?".


250gr farina00
sugar 2 tablespoons of butter
80 1 / 2 cup milk
1 egg

for the filling:
jam berries
apples cut into thin slices cinnamon

Place in a bowl and start working the dough, more you work the more fragrant, I only put 1 egg, without yeast. Spread a thin sheet and cut discs, where to place the filling.

Close moons fill with sliced \u200b\u200bapples and cinnamon and anise and pinch the edges well so that nn be opened in the area, then brush with beaten egg white, place them on baking paper and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes

sprinkled with powdered sugar and the moon will always make you smile wink ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thank You Cardfor Surgeon

of pigs and other pigs, but luckily there's a prize! Butter

First, do I have a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU, : X BUT A VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL the wonderful people I have left in recent days (and past ones) a tangible sign of their affection and their respect! Really thank you, because I still get lots of wonderful gifts and unexpected!
As a bonus, this one:

I received and accepted very warmly by a person known to be, but which turned out to be special from the start, in which there was now feeeling, which I found so many similarities! It is only the beginning! Just look at the kitten of the profile to find out how to be sweet and special she !
Hey, but attention to the glare, she is also a nice PEPERINO , is certainly not one that you put your feet on my head! [Hmm, seems someone, Any true?! ed]
cute yes, but very determined, she knows what she wants, right Chaillrun ?!
starlet Thanks for giving me this award!
And now we move on to 3 rules to follow:

1) to thank the blogger who gave us the prize
DONE! :)
2) tell 7 things about themselves (mmmh)
3) turn the award to 10 other blogs (I omit) who passes through here and you wish you can pick and choose very freedom if you tell us something about himself or not! I give my heart to you all!

Ready?! Go! Then I left to finish up the point 2), namely:
Something about me! ;))
B irichina BIRBETTA or as I always defines My husband! :)
I rascibile (my mom because I am easily offended!), But also iperpignola-detailing-prissy-Rompin (figured out how?):-T
O rtoressica: - / (from the greek orthos -correct and orexis - appetite ) or some fixed proper nutrition, I do a lot of attention to the choice of food and I always read the labels before every purchase I make.
However this definition of "modern" orthorexia, not fully the pathological-psychological sense!
What nonsense! In fact, why would anyone be ill if he is careful what he eats and tries to eat healthily and avoiding foods properly and so sophisticated?!
L ogorroica ... :)] I think it was understood ... I NEVER HAD THE GIFT OF SUMMARY!
O h. .. say often because they are those who still delights in front of a sunset, a beautiful snowy landscape or is moved to tears by an old song, a movie or the gaze of my beloved pet!
G enero (dicono!) but also judicious, so much to have to bore myself sometimes! You know one of those "labels" that we fastened her since childhood and are unlikely to take off!
A discovery, cheerful, honest, sincere!

And many other things obviously, but you will discover little by little, not that you want to reveal everything now, right?
And now, finally you say, let the recipe!
Not yet ...
Here's why:

I decided to join the chorus, I could not keep quiet about it, and gladly participate in this initiative of bloggers on the net!
If you intend to learn more, read directly from the initiative Norma here.
course, as many say: just a recipe, but it's just the point, it is our small contribution to dwarf that can change the world and things! At least that's what I think!
In line with what I wrote above, are outraged by certain behaviors now does not give rise to even more outrage on the part of the civilian population, so that I wonder
"Boys are we coming to?"
We're all drunk and brains
One example among many?! Read here!
The worrying thing in my opinion, this matter is not so much the deplorable behavior of Mr. B., no matter how despicable of course, but it's all the host of "ordinary" people who also well is accustomed to all sorts of news, no offense even more, in fact, maybe there in his little test ... to "prostitute" for some of his "noble" end, most without even realizing the gravity of the thing!
So now so all fans (what's wrong?) And if they do not, where are you going?
But what do you think?!

These delicious sandwiches are not my idea, I had copied from here!
I confess that I made them now more than six months ago, I remember I only changed the type of flour using the integral that I had to finish the remainder of the recipe faithfully carry with my small change. You go read the step because it is absolutely right!

500 grams of flour (I integral)
70 grams of olive oil
250 grams of water
30 grams of sugar
a handful of Parmesan cheese (my addition)
8 grams of salt
1 cube of yeast
some sausage for the stuffing

Dissolve yeast and sugar in water at room temperature, mix the flour, add the cheese and finally add salt.
Mix well and let it rise for a couple of hours.
Deflate the dough and roll it out to a thickness of 5 / 6 mm.
Cut discs of about 7 cm in diameter (with the aid of a glass) and filled with a washer of hot dogs.
In practice, once the washer of hot dogs lying in the middle of the disc (step 1) will raise the board as to form a flower (step 2), which closes well well the corolla, pressing a bit 'with the fingertips (step 3). Eventually he turns, so that the closure is in (step 4). find all well explained here
Finally, without the ball, rely on a pan lined with parchment paper and cover with plastic wrap. Meanwhile
which rise will make the ears and nose, with the cuts.
The ears are triangular: stretching the dough, cut a strip and cut the triangles.
The nose was crushed in a ball which is passed by a part of a toothpick.
To paste, brush it with a wet nose and the longer sides of the ears and pressing on the head of lean pork.
Brush with some milk and bake at 180 degrees for fifteen minutes or until they are golden.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can You Get Freckles From A Solarium?

home-made e. ..

It 'so much that I think of what I have to write this post, now THAT LIES HERE TO DAYS Perhaps I expected too much, I should start writing the first ... rose now a year since this blog and I have learned, shared, known, experienced a lot of things really!
Nevertheless, I also think seriously about the possibility of "closing the blog" (to the face of blogcompleanno!) and I found by no means the only one thinking about it!
And then as if by magic when I long for something, CT ... rotating between blogs coming from her that (especially for me!) wrote a post that, as we think, could be my! I quote:
" I could not do it.
The thought of going out, or otherwise remain at the margins of the network of contacts thanks to the blog I created made me feel too bad.
The thought of not having more time in the evening always surprising to read the comments made me an infinite sadness .
The thought of not trying plus the good feeling of the publication of a new post, then that just do not tolerate.
Then: close the blog: NO. Continue this way: NO.
The solution ... This also came suddenly ... But how could I not have thought of that before?!?
tailor the blog to me. Here's the solution! "

The blog for me is primarily an anti-stress, a space to talk and share, is a refuge, but it is frankly a big commitment (with a capital! )
I wondered if I really want to continue ...
I do not know if I like you, readers and friends who read my pages, you expect me to be, maybe not! But I made my choice, our blog represent us, tell us and then of those who love me follow me (maybe) even from now on.
If you want to .. This is me, otherwise there are so many beautiful blogs to follow, which refers to the kitchen, which of course you will not miss the very my ... if you look only recipes ... If you are here REALLY OWN For me, then I will accept as they are and I'll be inconsistent, perhaps, different.
I can not update the blog two times a week, I can not comment on all of you who read me, as I would like, but this does not mean that just because you can not find my comment to any post, I would not have read (perhaps absurd by the hour) and takes you there and to my blog!
Some may not understand, strorcerà the nose, EVEN know for sure, he has done: He did not understand anything about me, well, patience, one can not please everyone, no?
I choose to keep THIS SPACE because I like and I will not give it up, but I will no longer even feel guilty or obligated (a sort of secret code, it said, but then all respect) to update these pages and systematically ... is going to suffer wicks ACUTE like mine: X loved YOU , well peace, miss from here, who do I give an account?!
I saw that in addition to her , many of my closest friends: -* hiding some of their blog here and here ... Perhaps, I said to myself, is physiological beginning of the year?
Whatever the reason, does not deter me from now on continue in different ways, perhaps against the current, but using this space a little more my way!
With my time and my new thoughts, of which perhaps you will share more in there!
We are so immersed in certain habits, that we ask for anything more ...
often not reflected more, our daily actions are automatic and unreasonable ...
how horrible!
We used to think that, NABUCCO SINCE THEN is the right thing and good for everyone!
is: No thanks!
Each of us has its uniqueness, its identity, its style is why I like the blogs below and to share with you!
The net is full of blogs de cuisine, are born each day in dozens ... talk about food because it is fashionable now, but this blog will not be any fashion.
I do not care the picture perfect (even if it is My aim to improve and learn is very clear, but DO NOT APPEAR TO!) Neither I am interested in comments "false" (like, but how good you are or something) called only to receive a comment back. ..
I'll tell you what I think about food:
having to summarize in one sentence:
are what we eat, this is really important for me!
For years I wonder whether it is possible (and how) to combine the pleasure of good food, healthy, fair and balanced nutrition! If food can heal us ...
This is what I really want!
I wish the network would be used to tell us, ALSO ABOUT FOOD, things that no one tells us and that are ruining us and this beautiful planet we live, we received a gift!
I return to my children better than I have received the same,
WANT .. BUT IF I look around, what desolation!
I think it's important to use the network to share this information, that no one gives us.
daily chores unconscious choices that are changing the face of our planet!
No more biodiversity, all approved foods sophisticated ...
an example: the water one of the most valuable assets, at the mercy of speculation, with the most serious consequences for our health!
last newsletter of the 'Order of Biologists (which I get every month) there is a disturbing article about the update.
too, I have written too much, I know!
When I leave on a tangent ...
If you have arrived here to read You'll certainly enough for me ..
or I do not read anymore, so thanks for having me read to date, or ... you're one of those .... really interested in the recipe!
So come on, here it is!

[with these doses get a stick of butter from 200-250 gr ]
A pot of fresh cream, about 500ml
(I have taken here after our lunch in a farm)
100 gr cold water

Of course this procedure is not economically viable!
the best butter you can buy ready and spend less, given the very low yields! But you want to put the satisfaction of do it yourself?
I used it to make my Christmas cookies as gifts, at least I was sure it was genuine, considering also the origin of the excellent cream!
Having Thermomix was easy, I had read on the net here and there some procedures, but in my case, the suggested times were significantly underestimated!
Place the butterfly in the Thermomix jug and add the cold cream.
The suggestion was to speed centrifuge for 4 min 4.
But in my case, it was not enough, after this time the issue was this one:

So I ricentrifugato. At the end of the times I went a little eye, because as I said according to what I read I did not get the expected results. I spun for more than twice the time suggested, about 10 min.
As soon as I reached this stage:

I added cold water and centrifuged again for 1 minute at speed 4.
Then I picked up the flakes of butter with your hands, I've wrung out and I formed the loaf, which I left in the fridge to cool.

Ikea Replacement Bulbs

fried bread stuffed with nostalgia ...

Outside it's cold damn, even the owl Clarissa was holed up in the heat, the steaming cup of Jasmine in hand, I leaned over the porch but nothing, you have never seen the track. Other times by now, they could see his eyes open as the big tree lights, shorty like a wad and singing sad like someone who wears the melancholy of those who are in a foreign land. Tomorrow I will have a suitcase, crammed full of thoughts and insecurities, I will watch the big olive thrown behind them anchored to the clay and I seem to see their hair silver, some tears, still the glare of light reflecting on the white homes shines and force you to close the lids to get used to the light.
Ari smell starts, melancholy sniffs the wheels of my suitcase and depressed hiding under my study table between the bed, the stove and the window. I make him a caress, puffing almost offended.
I have butterflies in your stomach that mad flap their wings, looking for an opening, a way out .. I keep them in, in silence. I prepare my suitcase, trying to get my thoughts in order.



300 gr. boiled turnip
100 gr. of Frisia (toasted bread typical of the South)
extra virgin olive oil garlic pepper

Sauté garlic and Peroncino, pour the frisa coarsely broken (no bath) and quickly fry the bread, add the bay leaf until they dora, stirring well with the aid of a wooden spoon.

Meanwhile in another pot prepare the sauce and pass the turnips boiled in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, garlic and bay leaves and turn them well last add the fried bread and serve hot hot stir.

Use the pastry rings to give the form or if you want you can simply pour in the dish and garnish with a little pepper, maybe you survived the harsh winter cold and enjoy this dish, delicious, trying to make peace with your dog depressed you left, maybe handing out from under the table a piece of fried frisa!

With this recipe I participate in the contest of butter and honey dish meals:

also participate in the contest of vanilla ginger and cinnamon

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Donate Hospital Beds New Jersey

Rice with pesto and lime colored deadlines ..

I went back recently I still have the noise of the city on him, what wakes you up with tumptum vsssssspapaCHEèahhhhh rapataOKKhiiiitum tantocCIAAAtocvssss or something ... to be honest I forgot I was really the noise, frenetic noise and metal, the air a little heavy, creative parking in the big city ... you walk with those deadlines, you feel the smell and weight wise it walking down the street or going up quickly and adventurous race on the 38 in .. The deadlines are tinged with more than half when there is an important event, then you hear your frantic call to make the ticket, your cousins \u200b\u200bthat you call them too agitated to maturity of the books seem heavy minutes ... to browse like boulders and the days far too short, not enough time and it was still write, and then suspended in literature for the cards in December, words that make sense to grind right on the white paper, talk to printer and speakers ... way to tear a smile tardouniversitario I made this recipe for a friend with a Pescetto all orange colored, and a boat at the end there is a fart ....



300 grams of parboiled rice
3 tablespoons Pesto alla Genovese
lime peel 1
1 piece of carrot
lemon juice or lime
black pepper extra virgin olive oil

Boil the rice with a dash of extra virgin olive oil in the meantime, place spoonfuls of the pesto in a bowl and Genoese mingled with the cooking water for rice. Place the drained rice once and add the lemon juice and zest. Mix well, so everything is uniform and serve ..

Enjoy with a friend and smiled warmly because it can be done:)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Get Tilt On A Lax Helmet

cream of pumpkin and potatoes ... and desire for warmth and smiles! Tulipe

will be because it's January?!
Beginning of year and time of planning, audits, budgets?!
(which, however, stress ste phrases so common and predictable ... but ... this is it!)
... Maybe ...
To be honest I can not tell exactly what ...
In any case, these days, I really need to warm some hearts, heat, color, smiles,
: x of pampering!
Yes, I indeed needed a cheerful dish, steaming hot, bright and smiling to get me a bit about ...
about 500 grams pumpkin, cut into cubes
4 medium potatoes
1 / 4 l milk about
1 / 2 red onion
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
ginger (to your taste)
salt and Parmesan cheese to taste

I used the Thermomix, as I have it and it is handy when you travel, but is not absolutely necessary, you can safely cook in an ordinary pot ... because preparation is really easy!
I thinly sliced \u200b\u200bthe onion and then added 2 tablespoons of olive oil, I put the pumpkin and cut the potatoes into cubes, brown and done (for those with the Thermomix 5 minutes at 100 °, speed 1). I added the milk and cook for another 25 minutes (always at 100 °, speed 1). Finally season with salt, add ginger and Parmesan cheese to taste and blend!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fearne And Holly Fakes

slices of veal in orange sauce and chocolate .. chocolate nights

As a child I thought the night was made of chocolate and the moon a little cookie gingerbread fairy. I thought, the night creatures, always so fascinating to me, who hopped from one star to another made of sugar crystals and then plananare towards the leaves of dark trees at night, picking flowers iridescent appeared timid in the faint moonlight and emanating wonderful scents, oranges in a breath became fast cars and fragile heads and white balloons at night .. that's how I remembered this recipe ...



4 thin slices of veal (cut a little more often than rags)
the peels of two oranges biological
orange juice to taste, 1 of sugar cane, pear vinegar (apple otherwise), cinnamon
1 cup of white wine old
3-4 small capers, white onion
breadcrumbs, parsley
dark chocolate 70%
extra virgin olive oil, salt

Take the veal slices and cook for a while in a bath of old wine (or fruit) and then, so that the egg substitute . Meanwhile take the oranges and recover with the help of a grater to make the curls of peel in a pan with half thinly sliced \u200b\u200bwhite onion and a pinch of cinnamon. When they are "screaming" after a few seconds, add half cup of old wine and continue to cook, once dry add a teaspoon of sugar cane and at the same point where we paid to add the vinegar and turn pears everything well, stretch the wine remained.

Take the slices and then quickly pass them in a dish where you have placed bread crumbs and chopped parsley, then sauté in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Place the plate, folds in on itself as a kind of foil. Return the sauce add a pinch of cornstarch, but only a bit and turn, cut the chocolate into small cubes and old adults when the flame has incorporated, but not all, just some cubes and mix.
dell'involtino Pour the sauce and meat produced in the hollow above it by adding qalche curl of orange peel and raw chunks of dark chocolate.

The taste is really good I assure you, I did also try the mamy having his Stricter approval! For those who wish can add some capers.

As promised Laura, I participate in the contest Chocolate passion born from the collaboration of brothers and Cooking Blog Gardiui! I did not understand if it is expired or not, I really enjoyed cmq a world;)

also participate in the contest Cynthia delicious citrus recipes all!

Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Change Shocks On A Jeep Liberty

with chocolate mousse e. .. Languages \u200b\u200bcat! DANUBE-

Remember the famous advertising?!
:)) =)))) =))
I've come up with, because today I propose a recipe two versions, if I may say so!
With the same dough I prepared this scenic Coupelle:

then filled with a luscious chocolate mousse (eternal beloved of my husband who would like to see preparing always only one!) and part of my Christmas cookies to give to friends:

Languages \u200b\u200bcat

The wafers to be filled. Before ...

... And after the cure! : P
The realization of Coupelle / tulipe is quite simple, requiring only speed of execution and a little bit of manual dexterity! A bit like these Coupelle, and realized that I had found here although tulipes be a sweet version!
And now the recipe from my "first love", the big book of cuisine Gualtiero Marchesi of which I have already spoken

For TULIP / Coupelle and languages \u200b\u200bof cat :
100 gr flour

100 gr butter 100 gr icing sugar 4 egg whites
1 packet Vanillin
Assemble the butter with the sugar gradually adding the sifted flour and vanilla. Beat the egg whites stiff and fold gently to the mixture with a spatula. Put the mixture on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper making, with the help of a spoon, circular form for the waffles and Elongation to stick to the language of cats. Place in a preheated oven at 200 ° C for 7-8 minutes. This is the most important phase, it should be closely monitored, temperature and cooking time are the best for my oven, but you have to calibrate your time with. Be careful when those edges a bit it's time to remove the wafers. I used pliers to remove the disc and now the form of "Tulipe" using an inverted bowl, and roll to the languages \u200b\u200bof cat I used a stick.

For the chocolate mousse:
250 grams of dark chocolate fondant
2 eggs + 1 egg white
1 teaspoon butter
3 tablespoons water
one and a half tablespoons of sugar
half cup of cream
a cup of strong coffee

Melt chocolate in double boiler and gradually add the butter, water and coffee, stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and homogeneous. Allow to cool to room temperature. Meanwhile whip the egg whites and cream ee then keep them in the fridge. Then, again with an electric mixer, Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until they become white. Combine the chocolate has cooled to the yolks, then gently with a spatula (turning from below), add the cream and egg whites until stiff.
Allow to cool in refrigerator for at least 4 hours before serving. I have served the mousse into wafers, filling a syringe with pastry and decorate with silver balls.
So what do you think?!
Let me know ...
: -*

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bmi Population Average

Decoction of carob and figs .... or the secret of Auntie M.

Last night I accompanied my aunt M. (Sister of my grandmother) the beauty of 98 years in the theater (outside our country) because went a poetry about Christmas that she had composed "by girl. Everyone was agitated: my father favorite nephew, was grinding road airport Theatre could not miss, Mother confronting G. the director to figure out exactly where it go, my aunt F. had to bring our tender and subtle actress and was slow in coming, because Aunt M. he preferred to change his clothes and could not find the black circle, to ward off those silver hair and short hair spaghetti. Thus followed by headlong arrives late aunt F. that helps you quickly by removing the tissue that protects the head from the cold. Zia M. approaching floor firmly to the stage, saluting the present row by row (including those who did not know), not caring about the agitation of the organizers who wanted to start as soon as possible. I face the holding out his hand, asking me who the mayor while walking (which the priest says, it is recognized), so I point him and drags me and greets in order before the priest and the mayor, then good is good and I sit beside her.
So, pending open a small package and quickly goes over the words, I say "are you excited?" and she "Of course not, dear, before I came I took the decoction of locust, is a secret: If you take the voice then you do not tremble. In these occasions and when you have a tad bit of a sore throat can be very helpful. "
In fact, on stage was phenomenal, his voice trembled and he was pretty loud as that of a young girl, played the His long poem of four stanzas ... .. I could not share certain is that the women in my family have always had a plus;)

Decoction of dried figs and carob


1 liter of water,
2 oranges, carob
5 figs,
2 bay leaves, cinnamon
cloves or star anise,
dark brown sugar or honey (both very little and if you wish)

If you have a fireplace you can boil it in a pine cone or something like that because it is even better, otherwise you can do the same in a pot, to speed I did in the second way. Take a quart of water and put it on the fire, adding first bean into pieces and dried figs, the two halves of an orange juice and poured roughly with the peel in the water.

Then add the bay leaves, cinnamon and cloves (I had them finished and I used star anise), continue to simmer, the more bubbles, the more dense and will be better. Once you have taken on an amber color, turn and pour into cups with the aid of a strainer so that the fibers and seeds comes in there. Although to be honest they tend to fall to the bottom, so you might as well do not use it. The decoction by locust bean and sweet figs is already beautiful, so you can sweeten very little or not at all.

Add a few drops of lemon juice before serving e..

enjoy hot hot, "We rejoice in the beloved presence," as Aunt M.
"of their friends."