Monday, January 10, 2011

Fearne And Holly Fakes

slices of veal in orange sauce and chocolate .. chocolate nights

As a child I thought the night was made of chocolate and the moon a little cookie gingerbread fairy. I thought, the night creatures, always so fascinating to me, who hopped from one star to another made of sugar crystals and then plananare towards the leaves of dark trees at night, picking flowers iridescent appeared timid in the faint moonlight and emanating wonderful scents, oranges in a breath became fast cars and fragile heads and white balloons at night .. that's how I remembered this recipe ...



4 thin slices of veal (cut a little more often than rags)
the peels of two oranges biological
orange juice to taste, 1 of sugar cane, pear vinegar (apple otherwise), cinnamon
1 cup of white wine old
3-4 small capers, white onion
breadcrumbs, parsley
dark chocolate 70%
extra virgin olive oil, salt

Take the veal slices and cook for a while in a bath of old wine (or fruit) and then, so that the egg substitute . Meanwhile take the oranges and recover with the help of a grater to make the curls of peel in a pan with half thinly sliced \u200b\u200bwhite onion and a pinch of cinnamon. When they are "screaming" after a few seconds, add half cup of old wine and continue to cook, once dry add a teaspoon of sugar cane and at the same point where we paid to add the vinegar and turn pears everything well, stretch the wine remained.

Take the slices and then quickly pass them in a dish where you have placed bread crumbs and chopped parsley, then sauté in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Place the plate, folds in on itself as a kind of foil. Return the sauce add a pinch of cornstarch, but only a bit and turn, cut the chocolate into small cubes and old adults when the flame has incorporated, but not all, just some cubes and mix.
dell'involtino Pour the sauce and meat produced in the hollow above it by adding qalche curl of orange peel and raw chunks of dark chocolate.

The taste is really good I assure you, I did also try the mamy having his Stricter approval! For those who wish can add some capers.

As promised Laura, I participate in the contest Chocolate passion born from the collaboration of brothers and Cooking Blog Gardiui! I did not understand if it is expired or not, I really enjoyed cmq a world;)

also participate in the contest Cynthia delicious citrus recipes all!


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