Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Get Tilt On A Lax Helmet

cream of pumpkin and potatoes ... and desire for warmth and smiles! Tulipe

will be because it's January?!
Beginning of year and time of planning, audits, budgets?!
(which, however, stress ste phrases so common and predictable ... but ... this is it!)
... Maybe ...
To be honest I can not tell exactly what ...
In any case, these days, I really need to warm some hearts, heat, color, smiles,
: x of pampering!
Yes, I indeed needed a cheerful dish, steaming hot, bright and smiling to get me a bit about ...
about 500 grams pumpkin, cut into cubes
4 medium potatoes
1 / 4 l milk about
1 / 2 red onion
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
ginger (to your taste)
salt and Parmesan cheese to taste

I used the Thermomix, as I have it and it is handy when you travel, but is not absolutely necessary, you can safely cook in an ordinary pot ... because preparation is really easy!
I thinly sliced \u200b\u200bthe onion and then added 2 tablespoons of olive oil, I put the pumpkin and cut the potatoes into cubes, brown and done (for those with the Thermomix 5 minutes at 100 °, speed 1). I added the milk and cook for another 25 minutes (always at 100 °, speed 1). Finally season with salt, add ginger and Parmesan cheese to taste and blend!


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