Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thank You Cardfor Surgeon

of pigs and other pigs, but luckily there's a prize! Butter

First, do I have a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU, : X BUT A VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL the wonderful people I have left in recent days (and past ones) a tangible sign of their affection and their respect! Really thank you, because I still get lots of wonderful gifts and unexpected!
As a bonus, this one:

I received and accepted very warmly by a person known to be, but which turned out to be special from the start, in which there was now feeeling, which I found so many similarities! It is only the beginning! Just look at the kitten of the profile to find out how to be sweet and special she !
Hey, but attention to the glare, she is also a nice PEPERINO , is certainly not one that you put your feet on my head! [Hmm, seems someone, Any true?! ed]
cute yes, but very determined, she knows what she wants, right Chaillrun ?!
starlet Thanks for giving me this award!
And now we move on to 3 rules to follow:

1) to thank the blogger who gave us the prize
DONE! :)
2) tell 7 things about themselves (mmmh)
3) turn the award to 10 other blogs (I omit) who passes through here and you wish you can pick and choose very freedom if you tell us something about himself or not! I give my heart to you all!

Ready?! Go! Then I left to finish up the point 2), namely:
Something about me! ;))
B irichina BIRBETTA or as I always defines My husband! :)
I rascibile (my mom because I am easily offended!), But also iperpignola-detailing-prissy-Rompin (figured out how?):-T
O rtoressica: - / (from the greek orthos -correct and orexis - appetite ) or some fixed proper nutrition, I do a lot of attention to the choice of food and I always read the labels before every purchase I make.
However this definition of "modern" orthorexia, not fully the pathological-psychological sense!
What nonsense! In fact, why would anyone be ill if he is careful what he eats and tries to eat healthily and avoiding foods properly and so sophisticated?!
L ogorroica ... :)] I think it was understood ... I NEVER HAD THE GIFT OF SUMMARY!
O h. .. say often because they are those who still delights in front of a sunset, a beautiful snowy landscape or is moved to tears by an old song, a movie or the gaze of my beloved pet!
G enero (dicono!) but also judicious, so much to have to bore myself sometimes! You know one of those "labels" that we fastened her since childhood and are unlikely to take off!
A discovery, cheerful, honest, sincere!

And many other things obviously, but you will discover little by little, not that you want to reveal everything now, right?
And now, finally you say, let the recipe!
Not yet ...
Here's why:

I decided to join the chorus, I could not keep quiet about it, and gladly participate in this initiative of bloggers on the net!
If you intend to learn more, read directly from the initiative Norma here.
course, as many say: just a recipe, but it's just the point, it is our small contribution to dwarf that can change the world and things! At least that's what I think!
In line with what I wrote above, are outraged by certain behaviors now does not give rise to even more outrage on the part of the civilian population, so that I wonder
"Boys are we coming to?"
We're all drunk and brains
One example among many?! Read here!
The worrying thing in my opinion, this matter is not so much the deplorable behavior of Mr. B., no matter how despicable of course, but it's all the host of "ordinary" people who also well is accustomed to all sorts of news, no offense even more, in fact, maybe there in his little test ... to "prostitute" for some of his "noble" end, most without even realizing the gravity of the thing!
So now so all fans (what's wrong?) And if they do not, where are you going?
But what do you think?!

These delicious sandwiches are not my idea, I had copied from here!
I confess that I made them now more than six months ago, I remember I only changed the type of flour using the integral that I had to finish the remainder of the recipe faithfully carry with my small change. You go read the step because it is absolutely right!

500 grams of flour (I integral)
70 grams of olive oil
250 grams of water
30 grams of sugar
a handful of Parmesan cheese (my addition)
8 grams of salt
1 cube of yeast
some sausage for the stuffing

Dissolve yeast and sugar in water at room temperature, mix the flour, add the cheese and finally add salt.
Mix well and let it rise for a couple of hours.
Deflate the dough and roll it out to a thickness of 5 / 6 mm.
Cut discs of about 7 cm in diameter (with the aid of a glass) and filled with a washer of hot dogs.
In practice, once the washer of hot dogs lying in the middle of the disc (step 1) will raise the board as to form a flower (step 2), which closes well well the corolla, pressing a bit 'with the fingertips (step 3). Eventually he turns, so that the closure is in (step 4). find all well explained here
Finally, without the ball, rely on a pan lined with parchment paper and cover with plastic wrap. Meanwhile
which rise will make the ears and nose, with the cuts.
The ears are triangular: stretching the dough, cut a strip and cut the triangles.
The nose was crushed in a ball which is passed by a part of a toothpick.
To paste, brush it with a wet nose and the longer sides of the ears and pressing on the head of lean pork.
Brush with some milk and bake at 180 degrees for fifteen minutes or until they are golden.


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