Monday, January 24, 2011

Can You Get Freckles From A Solarium?

home-made e. ..

It 'so much that I think of what I have to write this post, now THAT LIES HERE TO DAYS Perhaps I expected too much, I should start writing the first ... rose now a year since this blog and I have learned, shared, known, experienced a lot of things really!
Nevertheless, I also think seriously about the possibility of "closing the blog" (to the face of blogcompleanno!) and I found by no means the only one thinking about it!
And then as if by magic when I long for something, CT ... rotating between blogs coming from her that (especially for me!) wrote a post that, as we think, could be my! I quote:
" I could not do it.
The thought of going out, or otherwise remain at the margins of the network of contacts thanks to the blog I created made me feel too bad.
The thought of not having more time in the evening always surprising to read the comments made me an infinite sadness .
The thought of not trying plus the good feeling of the publication of a new post, then that just do not tolerate.
Then: close the blog: NO. Continue this way: NO.
The solution ... This also came suddenly ... But how could I not have thought of that before?!?
tailor the blog to me. Here's the solution! "

The blog for me is primarily an anti-stress, a space to talk and share, is a refuge, but it is frankly a big commitment (with a capital! )
I wondered if I really want to continue ...
I do not know if I like you, readers and friends who read my pages, you expect me to be, maybe not! But I made my choice, our blog represent us, tell us and then of those who love me follow me (maybe) even from now on.
If you want to .. This is me, otherwise there are so many beautiful blogs to follow, which refers to the kitchen, which of course you will not miss the very my ... if you look only recipes ... If you are here REALLY OWN For me, then I will accept as they are and I'll be inconsistent, perhaps, different.
I can not update the blog two times a week, I can not comment on all of you who read me, as I would like, but this does not mean that just because you can not find my comment to any post, I would not have read (perhaps absurd by the hour) and takes you there and to my blog!
Some may not understand, strorcerà the nose, EVEN know for sure, he has done: He did not understand anything about me, well, patience, one can not please everyone, no?
I choose to keep THIS SPACE because I like and I will not give it up, but I will no longer even feel guilty or obligated (a sort of secret code, it said, but then all respect) to update these pages and systematically ... is going to suffer wicks ACUTE like mine: X loved YOU , well peace, miss from here, who do I give an account?!
I saw that in addition to her , many of my closest friends: -* hiding some of their blog here and here ... Perhaps, I said to myself, is physiological beginning of the year?
Whatever the reason, does not deter me from now on continue in different ways, perhaps against the current, but using this space a little more my way!
With my time and my new thoughts, of which perhaps you will share more in there!
We are so immersed in certain habits, that we ask for anything more ...
often not reflected more, our daily actions are automatic and unreasonable ...
how horrible!
We used to think that, NABUCCO SINCE THEN is the right thing and good for everyone!
is: No thanks!
Each of us has its uniqueness, its identity, its style is why I like the blogs below and to share with you!
The net is full of blogs de cuisine, are born each day in dozens ... talk about food because it is fashionable now, but this blog will not be any fashion.
I do not care the picture perfect (even if it is My aim to improve and learn is very clear, but DO NOT APPEAR TO!) Neither I am interested in comments "false" (like, but how good you are or something) called only to receive a comment back. ..
I'll tell you what I think about food:
having to summarize in one sentence:
are what we eat, this is really important for me!
For years I wonder whether it is possible (and how) to combine the pleasure of good food, healthy, fair and balanced nutrition! If food can heal us ...
This is what I really want!
I wish the network would be used to tell us, ALSO ABOUT FOOD, things that no one tells us and that are ruining us and this beautiful planet we live, we received a gift!
I return to my children better than I have received the same,
WANT .. BUT IF I look around, what desolation!
I think it's important to use the network to share this information, that no one gives us.
daily chores unconscious choices that are changing the face of our planet!
No more biodiversity, all approved foods sophisticated ...
an example: the water one of the most valuable assets, at the mercy of speculation, with the most serious consequences for our health!
last newsletter of the 'Order of Biologists (which I get every month) there is a disturbing article about the update.
too, I have written too much, I know!
When I leave on a tangent ...
If you have arrived here to read You'll certainly enough for me ..
or I do not read anymore, so thanks for having me read to date, or ... you're one of those .... really interested in the recipe!
So come on, here it is!

[with these doses get a stick of butter from 200-250 gr ]
A pot of fresh cream, about 500ml
(I have taken here after our lunch in a farm)
100 gr cold water

Of course this procedure is not economically viable!
the best butter you can buy ready and spend less, given the very low yields! But you want to put the satisfaction of do it yourself?
I used it to make my Christmas cookies as gifts, at least I was sure it was genuine, considering also the origin of the excellent cream!
Having Thermomix was easy, I had read on the net here and there some procedures, but in my case, the suggested times were significantly underestimated!
Place the butterfly in the Thermomix jug and add the cold cream.
The suggestion was to speed centrifuge for 4 min 4.
But in my case, it was not enough, after this time the issue was this one:

So I ricentrifugato. At the end of the times I went a little eye, because as I said according to what I read I did not get the expected results. I spun for more than twice the time suggested, about 10 min.
As soon as I reached this stage:

I added cold water and centrifuged again for 1 minute at speed 4.
Then I picked up the flakes of butter with your hands, I've wrung out and I formed the loaf, which I left in the fridge to cool.


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