Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Change Shocks On A Jeep Liberty

with chocolate mousse e. .. Languages \u200b\u200bcat! DANUBE-

Remember the famous advertising?!
:)) =)))) =))
I've come up with, because today I propose a recipe two versions, if I may say so!
With the same dough I prepared this scenic Coupelle:

then filled with a luscious chocolate mousse (eternal beloved of my husband who would like to see preparing always only one!) and part of my Christmas cookies to give to friends:

Languages \u200b\u200bcat

The wafers to be filled. Before ...

... And after the cure! : P
The realization of Coupelle / tulipe is quite simple, requiring only speed of execution and a little bit of manual dexterity! A bit like these Coupelle, and realized that I had found here although tulipes be a sweet version!
And now the recipe from my "first love", the big book of cuisine Gualtiero Marchesi of which I have already spoken

For TULIP / Coupelle and languages \u200b\u200bof cat :
100 gr flour

100 gr butter 100 gr icing sugar 4 egg whites
1 packet Vanillin
Assemble the butter with the sugar gradually adding the sifted flour and vanilla. Beat the egg whites stiff and fold gently to the mixture with a spatula. Put the mixture on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper making, with the help of a spoon, circular form for the waffles and Elongation to stick to the language of cats. Place in a preheated oven at 200 ° C for 7-8 minutes. This is the most important phase, it should be closely monitored, temperature and cooking time are the best for my oven, but you have to calibrate your time with. Be careful when those edges a bit it's time to remove the wafers. I used pliers to remove the disc and now the form of "Tulipe" using an inverted bowl, and roll to the languages \u200b\u200bof cat I used a stick.

For the chocolate mousse:
250 grams of dark chocolate fondant
2 eggs + 1 egg white
1 teaspoon butter
3 tablespoons water
one and a half tablespoons of sugar
half cup of cream
a cup of strong coffee

Melt chocolate in double boiler and gradually add the butter, water and coffee, stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and homogeneous. Allow to cool to room temperature. Meanwhile whip the egg whites and cream ee then keep them in the fridge. Then, again with an electric mixer, Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until they become white. Combine the chocolate has cooled to the yolks, then gently with a spatula (turning from below), add the cream and egg whites until stiff.
Allow to cool in refrigerator for at least 4 hours before serving. I have served the mousse into wafers, filling a syringe with pastry and decorate with silver balls.
So what do you think?!
Let me know ...
: -*


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