Friday, December 31, 2010

Asus Gate Installation Is Incomplete

Folders ..... Party of order, disorder and good intentions ..

On the old dark wooden table and bright light that the road from my room, there is a colossal mess full of colorful drawings and sketches, pencils, inks and colors. My mother shyly peeked out the door and then ran off followed by the image of me in my surfing the seraphic order disorder. In the mess that we find something always happens, something that maybe t'eri forgotten, something that makes you smile like an old diary entry of M and me sitting at the little bar to return to school an hour of so dear and rebellion freedom, the first hour, we decided what to tell the teacher materials, backpacks, scented Portrait of Dorian Gray discovered by A. and croaking in his old cabin at bargain price Faux leather-bound and gold decorations and a horrible but fascinating shorts who knows whom and who knows when.
On the wall stand out my good intentions stuck with a piece of scotch, I've made in regard to 10 seems a fair number of discrete and difficulties between the good intentions ... I glissando in order room, utopias do not count.
Very good new year to all ...

Folders Celebration

The name taken from the thin sheet of paper as that impalpable, those in which we are noted and sweet memories are preserved intact over time


500 grams of flour
100 grams of oil
100g of aniseed liquor or white wine
1 orange 1 tangerine
1 lemon
cinnamon, cloves


Place the flour blend in oil grated rind of a lemon of an orange and a tangerine, when the oil starts to smoke is ready to be poured into the fountain, pour also anise and orange juice of a tangerine and lemon before squeezing.

Work well and make a thin sheet cut with a diamond wheel. Bring holy patience and take the strip with your thumb and index finger at regular intervals (3 cm IUNA other) gripper with two fingers and then Spiral lace wrap like a roll and paste it by pressing with two fingers. Nn If you attack, because of the flour, make a batter of flour and water as glue. Then you can have fun to create thousands altreforme as flowers, stars etc..
Fry in hot oil and place on the paper towel so that it absorbs the excess oil.
PS sugar in the dough so we have made clear that the folders remain otherwise tend to darken once fried


sugar, cinnamon
water and cloves

In a saucepan not too big, put a tablespoon of honey, one water, one teaspoon of sugar and a lemon juice (you should first placed the cups with all the ingredients to have on hand).

Bring to boil and when it all began to leave the bubble is ready to mielatura. put by one, to folders, flip immediately, then take them out and place them on a dish in the center where you will place a beautiful orange guarnizione.Man as they pour the liquid back into saucepan consumes the same amounts listed above and continue until the end of the folder .
Decorate with candies and silver powder of cloves and cinnamon.
NB mielatura is done with these small quantities to avoid waste and redundancy of honey.

a good year and a bit messy star ;)...

With this recipe I participate in the contest of the garden of flavors and colors:

expires on January 1!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Contract Or Permanent?

ALBERELLI ... with my best wishes for an amazing 2011! The

I could, just could not not publish this post today!
E 'with very great joy and with all my heart that I feel I must do my best' sincere and heartfelt WISHES FOR HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL YOU THAT READ !
All ITS ALL my loyal readers, to those silent, to those random, my friends, relatives, acquaintances and curious and everyone, EVERYONE, who for almost a year, rising to here, have shared with me not only cooking tips, but very, very much more than I dared to even imagine, since I opened the blog!
Thank you, thank , THANKS : X my friends, of your affection, advice, your presence here!
The network offers us wonderful opportunities!
The last huge fortune that happened to me (weird, to me, perpetually unlucky!) Was due to her ( Zebretta , baby girl) and its swap, which I paired with the queen of cakes in the blogosphere!
Oh yeah, you read that right, just you: IMMA guys!!
I know, I KNOW I DO NOT SAY NOTHING, not even the beginning I could not believe I know?!
invidiatemi And now a lot, from;;)
Oh yeah, I have tasted its delights,
while you lick : P the screen!
=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))
Seriously, not that any were needed, but I assure you, the things ready, are not only "beautiful" to look at, they are also very good, I assure you it was a huge privilege to receive your packet!
As I think all of you, I am inspired very often to his recipes, and today just as a tribute to this beautiful girl, my girlfriend swap, here is my version of his recipe of the Danube-Tree, which needless to say has depopulated, and then I wanted to repeat for the buffet that I have prepared for the December 29 my little one (GIA '3 YEARS!)

The recipe course can be found by from her: here , I changed a comma (Imma: NAME A GUARANTEE!)
My only customization;) was added to the mixture, various "filled" a different, in each sandwich!
I used: mortadella, salami, olives, walnuts, pistachios, provolone, smoked cheese, but you can make your pleasure, everything you'd find in a sandwich!
ways I have served a surprise, so each guest took his paninetto and was filling a different ...
Here's the inside of my:

Some of the stages of fermentation:

Now I really wish you a splendid new year, with the hope of BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS, FOREVER ... AS children, because 'I think we're happy ... LIKE THEM!
dreams I am want ... (read the link, it's beautiful!)
: -*

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Red Dots On Roof Of Mouth And Strep

Scent of orange haunted house.

It 's a quick post, quickly, before the below call me out loud "Babetteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!"
Just enough time to spread a bit of fragrance here and there, spicy and cuddly, like a bag of star anise.

Each Christmas, the family of Babette, has its specific tasks to play:

1.Mia MOTHER the kitchen with the helm and a good dose of courage to stand up to a dozen relatives

2. My FATHER that vanishes in the minority, with a charming smile and doe eyes while sneaking past the door;

3. my sister, sfarfalleggia so princely, trotting out of here and there, delightfully apparecchaindo the large table;

4. ARI depressed disconsolate in his bed and gets up the nose for just a touch of mozzarella;

5. IO I sometimes absent, as now, with lightning mastery of the task but I think the starters and the haunted house;


Predicting nice big orange, cut the two bases and begin to dig up without ruining it.
then affect the walls, creating windows and doors on the roof of choice as to dig a small hole to act as a chimney.

light a small candle inside and close the roof fixed. I always put it on the dish a bit of star anise and cinnamon crumble reeds.

Very good scent of orange witch at all!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Did Andy Sixx Do To His Hand?

... Merry Christmas ... a delicious and sweet

At 7:00 I was already standing, ready beautiful, like a good sailor, with my children and loved ones tools for the appointment of the small port with T., we went out to fish.
But the sea has its rules and can not decide when you go out, because if the sea is rough and the sky is thoughtful, you know that you have to wait.
waves beat on the breakwater of the harbor and sketches beyond the wall, the pier is foamy and wet.
Feels iodine that gets inside you like a caress of warm water and fragrant.

We look at why puffing is no time to sea.
I togni with my bucket in hand, while the free walk the walk and go down flat on the rocks, covered with small pebbles and colored glass.
The sea hisses and whispers his annoyance, I pretend not to hear him try and calm among the white stones, shapes and colors.

What can you do with the stones broken?
you can watch or you can pick them up and make something else.
You can change them to participate.
Ari me while I go home festive and welcoming wagging, with his dummy in his mouth.
The country still dozing under a gray sky and dozing.
I turn on the stove and put it on the mocha coffee.
Meanwhile, near the fireplace, free, the shelf and begin to fix the larger stones, then small stones, then some shell spoils of spearfishing,

then placed colored glasses.

I drink my hot coffee, choosing the statues which are more linked

leaving here and there a little surprise for travelers, as a Mexican birth.

So, after you tinker a little, I have finished my task of the small Christmas crib.
A Merry Christmas to you all that smells of sea and fresh thoughts.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Engagement Cardfor Best Friend Wording

chicken in cranberry sauce at night ... ..

few hours before the arrival of dawn I opened my eyes and small, colorful bed, wrought iron green celery, has as usual creaking under the weight of my thoughts. I turned on the 'table lamp with a gesture of methods, those looking for answers in the stars hanging from his ceiling.
It's cold and there is silence.
I open my arms stretched with the wooden shutters and white known small crystal drops that ooze from the glass like tears in rain. I put on his shoulders the great red wool shawl that got A. for Christmas, "if one day I cold .." I drag myself to the living room, cover well, holding the pencil and my notebook in black leather. I open the white door taking care not to make too much noise not to wake Ari, my brindle dog always attentive to what is happening to me.
A gust of south wind warm welcome my entrance into the night I sit on the first step. under the big arch, look to the sky, few stars winked at me, I have seen and know that there are. I waited a long time thought that it did.
On the right side of my house from the porch you can see the plume of the great twisted pine, which occasionally settles an old owl. I say old, because I remember her singing since high school. I give a cursory glance at the tip of the moon illuminated by a huge pine and white silent sheds light on my lap tonight is Priscilla giro.E 'so I called.
I open the notebook and do some sketches. Waiting for the sunrise. The point of the pencil on white paper slips slightly probably because of the sirocco. I lie down, a gentle breeze caresses my cheeks, reach out and steal from the starry mantle of black pearls. The string in the right hand and slid fast and secure with a gesture, look at them shine, as they roll on the floor red brick.
Like a good witch tries to interpret the signs and reasons.
Never heard something so warm in winter.
The floor is wet, but it did not rain.
few stars probably cried.
smile at her and reassure her.
Tomorrow we'll meet again.
together and count how many minutes separate us from dawn.


300 g chicken pieces,
100g of fresh blueberries,
1 leek,
1 tablespoon of flour, extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 tablespoons
balsamic vinegar,
2 teaspoons toasted sesame seeds,
1 cup of old wine,
2 cups of vegetable stock.

Fry a little oil in a pan with half the leek, finely chopped then pour the toasted sesame seeds on the griddle for a few minutes. Place the chicken pieces and brown them from both sides, sprinkling a bit of old wine from time to time. When browned, has put some cranberries and let cook with a cup of hot broth and cover.

Remove the chicken pieces and set them aside in a bowl, add blueberries in baking, leaving a pile to seal. Add the tablespoon of sugar and vinegar and mix with a bit of old wine and the remaining stock.
Then add a tablespoon of flour with a wooden spoon and turn quickly, so that the sauce thickens. Replace
the chicken pieces and mix well. Serve with some fresh blueberries.

and dream ...


participate in the contest with this recipe of flour and yeast fantasy: Food bloggers at the stove in the 2nd category Ballarini Seconds with white meat

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Much To Remove Cancer

Panettoncino of Any!

Who does not die ... you might say re-read ... :))
Oh yeah, here I am facing in my small corner of my virtual kitchen!
I like to think of what is collected in turmoil these days in our kitchens ... if your son like mine, will be of very dense biscuits,: p MIXTURES, testing of well tested recipes and other brand new and never heard before, in preparation for the coming Christmas Banquet, in short, a real culinary excitement!
I only know that at my house, at times, seem to enter in confectionary, biscuits smell pervades the whole e. .. what I like: X knows its own Christmas gifts at the start e. .. why not?
... Also coming soon, thanks to a few;) swap , Right Imma ?! ;;)
The reason for my absence from the blog?!
Want to know how take care all my free time until late at night?!
not that hard to imagine, anyway ...
Here you are, here:

At least you have an idea, the next recipe to follow ... (No I'll never keep up, how it works: - / to publish them all before Christmas?! They are just too, damn!): ((
For now be content, I leave you one: that of Panettone, I prepare for some years now for my Christmas gifts!

5oo grams of flour manitoba
20 g yeast 1 egg

250 grams of sugar
250 ml of milk
100 grams of butter
150 g raisin
75 gr of candied
a glass of perfect love (grandma's liquor which sooner or later be posting the recipe!)

Prepare lievitino dissolving all the yeast in 100 ml of warm milk and let it rise half an hour. Gradually add the remaining flour and other ingredients, knead vigorously for about ten minutes and then ... forget the dough for a few hours, leaving him covered in a warm place without changes in temperature! In theory, just 2 hours, but I need to, I left a lot More (6 hours)! Then deflate the dough and divide it into small cakes all the same is placed in the appropriate cups. I used muffin cups if you find the ones of Panettoncino obviously be better!
Let rilievitare until doubled.
(I have 5 hours left, so the total rise lasted 12 hours!)
Having advanced a little bit of icing (egg whites and powdered sugar), used to prepare the cookies, I have also brushed and coated with granulated sugar .
Then I baked at 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes or however, until golden brown.
With these doses, I have come Panettoncino 15.
Here they are in the oven after 10 minutes of cooking ... are still swollen a lot ...

With this recipe I would like to participate in the initiatives of two dear friends cuochine, the collection of traditional Christmas recipes from around the world of dear sweet Ornella :

(but I certainly can not compare this recipe to ITS Panettone cake with LM Go and see a charm!) and harvested sweet MinĂ¹ , that girl, named pastry is an understatement, if you do not know run to peek its beautiful blog! An artist of desserts and much more!

All done?!
I just have to hug you all and see you next recipe!
: -*

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mean Of Loss Of Cervical Lordosis

truffle risotto with curls of pumpkin ..

I love pumpkins, yellow, green, red, filled the house of their color and know how to put in a good mood. If I were to say there are MOOLTO affectionate. A few years ago we had also solve a mystery in our garden, we woke up one day and noticed for the first time a large pumpkin plant leaves to heart and green light curls that peeked over the partition wall. She was beautiful, shining green, with pumpkins of all shapes and colors, mushroom, elongated and striated, bumps bumps, in two colors. The tree stretched out like a magical creature and walked undisturbed, down the stairs of our garden roam here and there, occasionally caressed by some butterfly. The fact is that no one had planted the seeds and my father settled the question by saying that they could be many not the cause but he began to exhibit them in more depth. Me and my mother was looking for a plausible solution to the dilemma, she was more likely the work of migratory birds that eat flying or drop here and there a garden planting in the garden, I ruled out the possibility that it was put there for the big dance and to meet my prince (still on the lam), more and more I became convinced that something had to be in the wonderfully fantastic. It was some magical creature, escaped from somewhere, hidden in my garden, he must have used all his strength to grow the pumpkin plant that would later become in the castle to become the coach and then flee again pushed away by the wind. But despite my stubbornness and patience went into the cold autumn to have a look, I racked my brains but nothing any suspicious movement. Fu A. find the solution and astonished us all, as he did so with a shrug of the shoulders and a fleeting smile. The point at which the plant pumpkin was born was the same when I threw the food that did not need to Tippy, my crafty-eyed white hamster, Trenitalia passenger model. Probably said A. adjusting his glasses, some seed was still good and had the opportunity to grow. Throughout the winter at home we had baskets of pumpkins beautiful ornaments and smiled at the thought that in my garden I unknowingly planted the seeds of pumpkin magic and who would have thought that Tippy was a very white and very sweet fantasy emissary acting whistling in disguise? ;)



200 grams of rice,
half onion,
1 cup of sherry,
2 teaspoons poppy seeds,
pumpkin flesh into pieces,
half carrot, celery
2 bay leaves,
1 cup vegetable broth,
a teaspoon of pine nuts,
for a spoonful of green peas,
few drops of lime,
extra virgin olive oil, for
half emptied pumpkin,
some curl of truffles to decorate.

Choose a squash that can be used if very large as a platter or smaller as in my case from the saucer. Help you with the digging to remove the pumpkin will use then in the risotto. Cut into cubes and cook in the pan after you fry the chopped onion and carrot, cut into little little pieces. When you see it dries and is being paid to attack the cup of wine and continue with peas green, a few pieces of celery. add rice, cover and turn the heat down. When is dry, add the vegetable broth hot.

Meanwhile heat the grill and brush past the butter inside the pumpkin that you have washed and dried. If you have a microwave oven just cook for 3 minutes at most, otherwise you can pass it in the oven for 15 minutes will make crunchy inner walls.
Toast the pine nuts on the griddle and then add them to the risotto with some poppy seeds and a few drops lime.
Fill your magic pumpkin and carefully pass the truffles from the sharp teeth of the grater that will release some beautifully scented curl and a bit of pepper. Put in oven for 10 minutes over low heat in 2nd place.

Serve hot hot ...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wordpress Themes Stove

Wallets swordfish with roasted red onions

This post has taken precedence over dozens of others, lying patiently awaiting publication silent, why?!
:) I could not resist ... I just realized I'll show ...
latest issue of Italian Cooking in December, just arrivatomi, thanks to 'initiative Gustissimo, I saw the photo of this recipe (which you'll find on page 170) and was immediately: x love at first sight ... I had to do it (you;) this?) and in fact ... here it is:

so simple to make, but an indescribable goodness!
I find that pairing is fits perfectly with the orange and the final effect is so dramatic ... almost "Ristorante del Cambio," as the comment by the popes, the taste of the dish in question (well come on,,,) will also be an exaggeration, but you know that the popes are biased, no?)

And then I had to publish the recipe also to satisfy another request ... Anto true?! Are you happy?! If I read knock once!

8 slices of swordfish
300 grams of herbs
4 large red onions 2 oranges
2 slices of bread
1 lemon 1 shallot, parsley
oil, salt and pepper to taste

First you have to prepare the onions in the oven, lightly oiling a pan covered with parchment paper, which also put salt and pepper to your liking and having cut the onions in half and bake cut side down, for about half hour at 220 ° C. Rinse well and allow to simmer the herbs in a pan with a little olive oil and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bscallions, salt and cooked, flavored with the zest of one lemon and one orange finely grated. I, for my Parthian I have also chopped. Whisk the white bread in a blender with the parsley and finally peeled oranges in vivo. To set up the portfolios, use a spoon for each slice of fragrant herbs swordfish on which also put slices of orange, now folded the slices and close with a toothpick. Portfolios have thus formed on a baking sheet, add the crumbs of bread crumbs, a little oil and bake for a 15in minutes at 190 ° C.
Serve freshly baked together with onions e. ..

PS I apologize for my photos, always a bit ugly, certainly not do justice to the plate ... I did not even Serve, but we had such a hurry eating, that I really had the time!
: -*

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kates Playground Free Gals Blogs

Baked Potatoes caciotta with pesto and sweet ..... the colors of Christmas ...

I grew up in a seaside town and here I find myself after a few years.
The Navy will fall asleep, silent and shy and resumed his slumber. He closes his eyes for a long winter and apart from some German walking around dazed, on the waterfront just feel the sound of waves crashing on the rocks and the voices of the fishermen who come down to earth from their small boat at sunset with their barrels and buckets full of thoughts.
I always thought that Christmas special in store for every person of color at different times of their lives. As a child, my Christmas was tinged with blue, blue as the sea water, which seemed entrarti hundred feet from the shore into the house, blue like my grandmother wove the wool A. folded in front of the fireplace, while the eyes moist with memories I told old stories and legends, like the blue plate limoge with appetizers of mozzarella in little stars that seemed like magic to the day before.
winter I used to, in the afternoon after the tasks, lie down on the edge of the pond, all wrapped up with Matisse my black cat to guard my safety, crouched on his belly to make me purr. It was the time when the frog had come to live there solitary and sometimes in spite of croaking felt it was time to hibernate. I stood there for quite a while with his eyes open looking at the immense sky. And each time I wondered how many ways could have a cloud cover blue, now a big boot, then an oak, a small house with two children.
watched small flocks calm marked the rain and the aftermath will be amazed to dream, occasionally stroking my beautiful cat, until my grandmother at one point came out from the door of our little white house as the inoltratasi milk and called me on the street with a loud voice. Of course it took Matisse in her arms and followed her home. I remember his sweet face, with cheeks round and red, hidden behind dark handkerchief, his posture and graceful curve as the white bell at dusk, his bony hand that held mine, smiling while looking for delicacies potatoes can be enjoyed by the fireplace.
The crackling embers of those minutes marked as an important ritual, then as a fortune teller removed from the hot ashes to let the potatoes cook slowly and with a breath takes away the ashes remained. The plane peeled, because we had all the time in the world, as if not to burn either, but I still remember the smoke slowly against the flow in his hands. He told me of the old oil tanker sunk during the war and the fallen angel, the Christmas of 1943 and the bottomless sea, then I broke a piece and hands it to me as a golden nugget.
Lying on the big chair wicker with my red shoes on the fireplace, wise and delight that I was focused questions and follow its slow movements. Matisse continued to cast out the window and wood that I could see a blue robe was preparing to dress the stars. Yes, this is the color of my Christmas.



4 large potatoes soft dough
50 g butter
10 grams of pesto Genovese
50 gr. caciotta of sweet

Take the potatoes and clean them well under running water with the aid of a toothbrush. Then place them on wax paper for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees, brush with butter and pour some water into the pan.

When you see that the dough is quite soft and fork no resistance, Drive them from the oven and marked with a cross and a knife to peel them gently mentioned. Using a spoon, begin to dig to the center to create a Conchetta.

Put to melt the remaining butter and brush the inside of the bowl well, then add the pesto alla Genovese and pieces of caciotta. Bake at 180 degrees, 15 minutes after the oven and serve piping hot.

... it's a very good starry night ....