Saturday, December 25, 2010

Red Dots On Roof Of Mouth And Strep

Scent of orange haunted house.

It 's a quick post, quickly, before the below call me out loud "Babetteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!"
Just enough time to spread a bit of fragrance here and there, spicy and cuddly, like a bag of star anise.

Each Christmas, the family of Babette, has its specific tasks to play:

1.Mia MOTHER the kitchen with the helm and a good dose of courage to stand up to a dozen relatives

2. My FATHER that vanishes in the minority, with a charming smile and doe eyes while sneaking past the door;

3. my sister, sfarfalleggia so princely, trotting out of here and there, delightfully apparecchaindo the large table;

4. ARI depressed disconsolate in his bed and gets up the nose for just a touch of mozzarella;

5. IO I sometimes absent, as now, with lightning mastery of the task but I think the starters and the haunted house;


Predicting nice big orange, cut the two bases and begin to dig up without ruining it.
then affect the walls, creating windows and doors on the roof of choice as to dig a small hole to act as a chimney.

light a small candle inside and close the roof fixed. I always put it on the dish a bit of star anise and cinnamon crumble reeds.

Very good scent of orange witch at all!


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