Friday, December 17, 2010

Mean Of Loss Of Cervical Lordosis

truffle risotto with curls of pumpkin ..

I love pumpkins, yellow, green, red, filled the house of their color and know how to put in a good mood. If I were to say there are MOOLTO affectionate. A few years ago we had also solve a mystery in our garden, we woke up one day and noticed for the first time a large pumpkin plant leaves to heart and green light curls that peeked over the partition wall. She was beautiful, shining green, with pumpkins of all shapes and colors, mushroom, elongated and striated, bumps bumps, in two colors. The tree stretched out like a magical creature and walked undisturbed, down the stairs of our garden roam here and there, occasionally caressed by some butterfly. The fact is that no one had planted the seeds and my father settled the question by saying that they could be many not the cause but he began to exhibit them in more depth. Me and my mother was looking for a plausible solution to the dilemma, she was more likely the work of migratory birds that eat flying or drop here and there a garden planting in the garden, I ruled out the possibility that it was put there for the big dance and to meet my prince (still on the lam), more and more I became convinced that something had to be in the wonderfully fantastic. It was some magical creature, escaped from somewhere, hidden in my garden, he must have used all his strength to grow the pumpkin plant that would later become in the castle to become the coach and then flee again pushed away by the wind. But despite my stubbornness and patience went into the cold autumn to have a look, I racked my brains but nothing any suspicious movement. Fu A. find the solution and astonished us all, as he did so with a shrug of the shoulders and a fleeting smile. The point at which the plant pumpkin was born was the same when I threw the food that did not need to Tippy, my crafty-eyed white hamster, Trenitalia passenger model. Probably said A. adjusting his glasses, some seed was still good and had the opportunity to grow. Throughout the winter at home we had baskets of pumpkins beautiful ornaments and smiled at the thought that in my garden I unknowingly planted the seeds of pumpkin magic and who would have thought that Tippy was a very white and very sweet fantasy emissary acting whistling in disguise? ;)



200 grams of rice,
half onion,
1 cup of sherry,
2 teaspoons poppy seeds,
pumpkin flesh into pieces,
half carrot, celery
2 bay leaves,
1 cup vegetable broth,
a teaspoon of pine nuts,
for a spoonful of green peas,
few drops of lime,
extra virgin olive oil, for
half emptied pumpkin,
some curl of truffles to decorate.

Choose a squash that can be used if very large as a platter or smaller as in my case from the saucer. Help you with the digging to remove the pumpkin will use then in the risotto. Cut into cubes and cook in the pan after you fry the chopped onion and carrot, cut into little little pieces. When you see it dries and is being paid to attack the cup of wine and continue with peas green, a few pieces of celery. add rice, cover and turn the heat down. When is dry, add the vegetable broth hot.

Meanwhile heat the grill and brush past the butter inside the pumpkin that you have washed and dried. If you have a microwave oven just cook for 3 minutes at most, otherwise you can pass it in the oven for 15 minutes will make crunchy inner walls.
Toast the pine nuts on the griddle and then add them to the risotto with some poppy seeds and a few drops lime.
Fill your magic pumpkin and carefully pass the truffles from the sharp teeth of the grater that will release some beautifully scented curl and a bit of pepper. Put in oven for 10 minutes over low heat in 2nd place.

Serve hot hot ...


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