Thursday, December 30, 2010

Contract Or Permanent?

ALBERELLI ... with my best wishes for an amazing 2011! The

I could, just could not not publish this post today!
E 'with very great joy and with all my heart that I feel I must do my best' sincere and heartfelt WISHES FOR HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL YOU THAT READ !
All ITS ALL my loyal readers, to those silent, to those random, my friends, relatives, acquaintances and curious and everyone, EVERYONE, who for almost a year, rising to here, have shared with me not only cooking tips, but very, very much more than I dared to even imagine, since I opened the blog!
Thank you, thank , THANKS : X my friends, of your affection, advice, your presence here!
The network offers us wonderful opportunities!
The last huge fortune that happened to me (weird, to me, perpetually unlucky!) Was due to her ( Zebretta , baby girl) and its swap, which I paired with the queen of cakes in the blogosphere!
Oh yeah, you read that right, just you: IMMA guys!!
I know, I KNOW I DO NOT SAY NOTHING, not even the beginning I could not believe I know?!
invidiatemi And now a lot, from;;)
Oh yeah, I have tasted its delights,
while you lick : P the screen!
=)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))
Seriously, not that any were needed, but I assure you, the things ready, are not only "beautiful" to look at, they are also very good, I assure you it was a huge privilege to receive your packet!
As I think all of you, I am inspired very often to his recipes, and today just as a tribute to this beautiful girl, my girlfriend swap, here is my version of his recipe of the Danube-Tree, which needless to say has depopulated, and then I wanted to repeat for the buffet that I have prepared for the December 29 my little one (GIA '3 YEARS!)

The recipe course can be found by from her: here , I changed a comma (Imma: NAME A GUARANTEE!)
My only customization;) was added to the mixture, various "filled" a different, in each sandwich!
I used: mortadella, salami, olives, walnuts, pistachios, provolone, smoked cheese, but you can make your pleasure, everything you'd find in a sandwich!
ways I have served a surprise, so each guest took his paninetto and was filling a different ...
Here's the inside of my:

Some of the stages of fermentation:

Now I really wish you a splendid new year, with the hope of BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS, FOREVER ... AS children, because 'I think we're happy ... LIKE THEM!
dreams I am want ... (read the link, it's beautiful!)
: -*


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