Monday, December 20, 2010

Engagement Cardfor Best Friend Wording

chicken in cranberry sauce at night ... ..

few hours before the arrival of dawn I opened my eyes and small, colorful bed, wrought iron green celery, has as usual creaking under the weight of my thoughts. I turned on the 'table lamp with a gesture of methods, those looking for answers in the stars hanging from his ceiling.
It's cold and there is silence.
I open my arms stretched with the wooden shutters and white known small crystal drops that ooze from the glass like tears in rain. I put on his shoulders the great red wool shawl that got A. for Christmas, "if one day I cold .." I drag myself to the living room, cover well, holding the pencil and my notebook in black leather. I open the white door taking care not to make too much noise not to wake Ari, my brindle dog always attentive to what is happening to me.
A gust of south wind warm welcome my entrance into the night I sit on the first step. under the big arch, look to the sky, few stars winked at me, I have seen and know that there are. I waited a long time thought that it did.
On the right side of my house from the porch you can see the plume of the great twisted pine, which occasionally settles an old owl. I say old, because I remember her singing since high school. I give a cursory glance at the tip of the moon illuminated by a huge pine and white silent sheds light on my lap tonight is Priscilla giro.E 'so I called.
I open the notebook and do some sketches. Waiting for the sunrise. The point of the pencil on white paper slips slightly probably because of the sirocco. I lie down, a gentle breeze caresses my cheeks, reach out and steal from the starry mantle of black pearls. The string in the right hand and slid fast and secure with a gesture, look at them shine, as they roll on the floor red brick.
Like a good witch tries to interpret the signs and reasons.
Never heard something so warm in winter.
The floor is wet, but it did not rain.
few stars probably cried.
smile at her and reassure her.
Tomorrow we'll meet again.
together and count how many minutes separate us from dawn.


300 g chicken pieces,
100g of fresh blueberries,
1 leek,
1 tablespoon of flour, extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 tablespoons
balsamic vinegar,
2 teaspoons toasted sesame seeds,
1 cup of old wine,
2 cups of vegetable stock.

Fry a little oil in a pan with half the leek, finely chopped then pour the toasted sesame seeds on the griddle for a few minutes. Place the chicken pieces and brown them from both sides, sprinkling a bit of old wine from time to time. When browned, has put some cranberries and let cook with a cup of hot broth and cover.

Remove the chicken pieces and set them aside in a bowl, add blueberries in baking, leaving a pile to seal. Add the tablespoon of sugar and vinegar and mix with a bit of old wine and the remaining stock.
Then add a tablespoon of flour with a wooden spoon and turn quickly, so that the sauce thickens. Replace
the chicken pieces and mix well. Serve with some fresh blueberries.

and dream ...


participate in the contest with this recipe of flour and yeast fantasy: Food bloggers at the stove in the 2nd category Ballarini Seconds with white meat


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