Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Hang A Clothes Rod On An Angled Wall

Imperial Pasta with chicken broth

This is another recipe from my childhood, which I LOVE!
My mom made me often and I remember with great sweetness, like it was yesterday, that when I was : (Malatina ", I took her in bed, served on that tray with compartments imitation wood ...
Well I do not know what to tell you, if I am a bit "abnormal", but I like a lot soups, stews (they are those who eat it cold: p but even in summer!), the velvety soups, creams, say what you want, but a nice steaming hot dish especially in these winter evenings, my house never fails! And how good ??!!!!
:) Try it is really easy and tasty!

Ingredients for the dough imperial

4 eggs 4 tablespoons flour
4 heaping tablespoons of Parmesan
60 g butter
salt (and pepper)

Prepare first the chicken broth .
(I do it always in a pressure cooker, I put an onion, a carrot, a stalk of celery, 2 bay leaves, and of course the chicken or the chicken, cover and cook half an hour since whistle. When cooked add salt)
For the dough Imperial instead:
Separate the yolks from the whites, who mounted a stiff keeping them apart. Beat the yolks with the parmesan cheese, flour, walnuts Moscat, salt (and pepper if you like) and melted butter and lastly add the egg whites until stiff. Oil a baking dish and sprinkle the bottom aligned with the bread crumbs, then pour the mixture, taking care that the final thickness is 1 cm - 1 cm and a half.
Turn on the oven and bake at 180 ° C for 10-15 minutes, or until it is just coloring.

Now cut it into squares and plunge into a big pot of steaming broth ...
: x I told you it was delicious! I own it magus at least 4-5 before diving into the broth!

With this recipe with great pleasure to participate in the collection of Lucy, with all our soups. If you have not already done so, immediately run to take a look, and if you do not know the initiative of its contest, which is really quite nice, here read the rules, you Only a few more days to participate:


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