Friday, December 10, 2010

Wordpress Themes Stove

Wallets swordfish with roasted red onions

This post has taken precedence over dozens of others, lying patiently awaiting publication silent, why?!
:) I could not resist ... I just realized I'll show ...
latest issue of Italian Cooking in December, just arrivatomi, thanks to 'initiative Gustissimo, I saw the photo of this recipe (which you'll find on page 170) and was immediately: x love at first sight ... I had to do it (you;) this?) and in fact ... here it is:

so simple to make, but an indescribable goodness!
I find that pairing is fits perfectly with the orange and the final effect is so dramatic ... almost "Ristorante del Cambio," as the comment by the popes, the taste of the dish in question (well come on,,,) will also be an exaggeration, but you know that the popes are biased, no?)

And then I had to publish the recipe also to satisfy another request ... Anto true?! Are you happy?! If I read knock once!

8 slices of swordfish
300 grams of herbs
4 large red onions 2 oranges
2 slices of bread
1 lemon 1 shallot, parsley
oil, salt and pepper to taste

First you have to prepare the onions in the oven, lightly oiling a pan covered with parchment paper, which also put salt and pepper to your liking and having cut the onions in half and bake cut side down, for about half hour at 220 ° C. Rinse well and allow to simmer the herbs in a pan with a little olive oil and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bscallions, salt and cooked, flavored with the zest of one lemon and one orange finely grated. I, for my Parthian I have also chopped. Whisk the white bread in a blender with the parsley and finally peeled oranges in vivo. To set up the portfolios, use a spoon for each slice of fragrant herbs swordfish on which also put slices of orange, now folded the slices and close with a toothpick. Portfolios have thus formed on a baking sheet, add the crumbs of bread crumbs, a little oil and bake for a 15in minutes at 190 ° C.
Serve freshly baked together with onions e. ..

PS I apologize for my photos, always a bit ugly, certainly not do justice to the plate ... I did not even Serve, but we had such a hurry eating, that I really had the time!
: -*


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