Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chest Congestion Causes

Chocolate Cake by Silvia P. .... sweet awakenings ...

I started forking two changes fast in the small gym bag, hat pulled down until, to cover the bitter cold and icy gusts that raged at six in the morning. I left in a hurry to pass a historic w from my friend, companion and not only hardships universitaire, trusted confidant and special friend R transplanted in the city of lilies. I looked at the tracks slip away, thrown back with my thoughts, associated with uncertainties and questions about my life, the color of my future. I have about six hours by train behind me six hours to the big city and then set off fast and still feel large trees behind me barking. And 'Sunday morning, on Saturday behind us left us two eyes and a great desire to read yet toying in bed, warm, with the covers over your chin. A thin ray of sun makes its way boldly through the window behind me, it stretches and stretches, timidly stroking his cheek still numb from sleep. The classic after a day walking along streets and amaze new and enchanted palaces, that seduces you after an evening of cocktails accompanied by the lovely solfeggios Puppini Sister's vague and night tours of talk and stories. With huge effort I try to open my eyes, stubborn but I do not respond. The room of the small R skirts and colorful cuisine. I hear light footsteps and safe movements tinker with wooden spoons and bowls. Feel scents of lemon and sweet treats a few meters from my bed. Groping for the covers on my phone that I dive, I remember using it and not put the best from me, I find it, marks the ten-thirty, late morning. Notes of chocolate sneak into the room and I tickle the nose, smells of vanilla secret, kept in the notebook of valuable Silvia P. R. roommate wakes and sweet desserts like this chocolate cake that looks like a view, cherished by a sweet layer of icing sugar and whispered recipes ..

Chocolate Cake by Silvia P.


150 grams of butter;
125 gr. powdered sugar, 4 eggs
200g of dark chocolate;
1 potato starch

Butter the cake pan and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place in refrigerator. Melt the butter and dark chocolate. Fit egg yolks with sugar icing and plan to add the melted chocolate, the spoonful of starch and the whites beaten stiff.

Then pour it all and bake in moderate oven 180 ° or 200 °, depending on the oven for 25 to 30 minutes. The cake must not cook a lot for not losing its characteristic softness! Now we have to sprinkle with powdered sugar and let it cool and then remove from pan and serve between the eyes in anxious expectation of the guests! And I assure you that we are due to hold not dive above:)

plodding led by my nose as a brilliant sleuth I followed those concentrated notes of chocolate and sugar icing and I see there is still steaming fresh from the oven to the glare of light, I wake up in the contemplation of this wonderful dessert. So fascinated, I ask Silvia to let me peek into her notebook of recipes for this wonderful post on my blog
Mai breakfast was so sweet ..
Florentine kisses to all;)

Stores Which Offer Layway

Of fusilli decent ... but no, not smoking!

This is the motto of an initiative which adhere with great pleasure, my friends know who cares what kind of issues.
objectives: information, awareness and prevention also 's endometriosis, a painful disease female still little known, yet unfortunately for us women, widespread (strikes a every year 3 million women in Italy).
To prevent pain and relieve inflammation in cases of endometriosis, nutrition plays an important role, there are foods to avoid and others to be favored from here with the idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting the active participation of us food-bloggers, a collection of recipes, which all women with endometriosis can use for their diet.

Many other valuable information you can read directly on the blog that has promoted this initiative here in collaboration with ; ILLA for people and Ape Onlus :

And now here's my recipe, really easy to perform, but very tasty and healthy , which I invented on the spot, a day that I was corsissima, but in the end we really liked as much combination of flavors and will certainly repeat it.

Ingredients: Fusilli
10 cherry tomatoes 7-8 anchovies
a handful of pine nuts 1 handful
raisins already Ammolite
1 clove garlic
extra.vergine olive oil
salt pepper (if desired)

First, clean and boil the broccoli (I scalded them for 7 minutes in water slightly salt). Fry a clove of garlic in a pan with a little extra virgin olive oil, and a dozen cherry tomatoes (which have previously dipped in boiling water 2 minutes, then where cu Ocera pasta to deprive them of the skin, so they stripped in a moment!) then add 7-8 anchovies and let them unravel. Quick Review broccoli in the pan and also remove from heat. Add black olives, pine nuts and a handful of raisins. Season with salt and if you like put a pinch of red pepper (I think it is great!)
Drain the fusilli and season! Bon appetit!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Berger Paint Color Sample

Liquor bay and Old Lace ....

A really nice film, old old but timeless reads: Arsenic and Old Lace.
Now the title is not because I thought that the laurel poisoning, anything, in fact I recommend it because it is very good .. I rather came to mind because of the lace.
When I pissed or upset about something, something important to say, poking, poking and put in order, in my room in my thoughts. Well you now might seem strange for me that is a chronic disorder, that if there is no casino does not seem to be happy, that if by chance come to my room the thieves must first put in order to understand how to move. But really bad when I thought that as a blending mill stuck in my head, I begin to give me to breathe and act, here and now. Probably because I need to start somewhere, find a corner that marks the beginning of my, look between objects and dust tracks of my thoughts and answers. It seems to have entered adulthood that weigh more mastery behaviors first in colors more neutral not to be problematic. So I rummaged taken by the vortex in the large trunk in Grandma's attic, looking for traces of ancient ways and hasty words under the flicker dell'unicinetto between stationary and mobile the gnarled fingers. Dust the sun shines, like fragments of nacre thin Calvin was not wrong if to say that what is for some other powder is life. The iron lock gives way and there is a smell of cotton preserved ancient designs and whispered, glances that "stole" the teachings, faster and smarter of the word, wide skirts and white aprons scented talc. Starting with a shirt and walk to the radiating edges, creating laced hills where he was a messy pile of yarn, change point of view, jumping into the irrational that it can sometimes be more rational use of its opposite, to search through the threads of wire cleverly mixed a trace of you and feel the thickness beneath your fingertips, have the courage to follow it, feel under your nostrils the scent that leaves the starch in its wake, smile at the old cat from the nearby stack and those wonders, including sheets, blankets, mats and centers, each color for a thought: pink , blue, white, beige, and detonated them all together in the low ceiling glass, overlooking the sky of early morning and realize that they are the same colors of dawn, all at once.



25 bay leaves biological
1 liter of alcohol
1 liter of water
500 gr. sugar

They get an infusion in alcohol for at least 10-15 days in the dark.
past which is filtered and mixed with the syrup by bringing in boiling water and sugar.
The filter I use is like cotton gauze. If the bottle is made of glass clear is best because if they can admire the beautiful color, it seems distillate chlorophyll! But do not let her see the sun because otherwise you will find that the beautiful bright green color, gives way to a brownish and less exciting, although the flavor will be better anyway.
It 's a good digestive and the smell of bay will wrap, eaten with a piece of chocolate or pasticciotto of bitter coffee, delicious break to chase away the bad thoughts , then the rest will do your best friends who, fortunately, the time passes but they are always there!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Acrostic Poem For Funny

leg of lamb with roasted potatoes with orange gremolada

Certainly the lamb is a meat that does not please everyone, perhaps for its rich flavor and a bit special, someone who refuses to eat for the " tenderness generated from thinking they can do the bad end of the poor and innocent little lambs, a symbol par excellence of meekness ...

But who reads me constantly, he already knows our family well I have to satisfy two carnivores, and then convinced a few times a lamb escapes and the cooking!
Given the very decided taste of this meat, I decided to "soften" a bit by using the orange (juice and rind), making a sort of "gremolada" my way and I must say we were very pleased Result! To repeat my opinion! We really liked ... try it!

A leg of lamb
1 carrot 1 small onion
1 stalk celery
1 orange 1 / 2 clove garlic
1 / 2 cup dry white wine
1 sprig of rosemary, parsley
oil, salt and pepper to taste

Having washed the leg of lamb, I have anointed with a dribble of extra virgin olive oil a baking sheet, on which I then laid a sprig of rosemary and roast leg of lamb already recorded. I have prepared a fine chop celery, carrot, onion, parsley and half a clove of garlic and I sprinkled the leg, then the grated rind of an orange juice and keep aside. I adjusted the salt (and pepper if you like) I added diced potatoes, another round of oil and finally I let it cook in the oven covered (with aluminum foil) at 180 ° C for about 45 minutes , turning halfway through cooking and bathing with half a glass of wine dry white wine and orange juice.

With this recipe, given the dominant presence of the orange, I would like to participate in the contest organized by Ramona which you can read here :

and also in the contest organized by Cynthia this here:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Free Floor Plans Granny Flat

"Frit" Daddy and black olives in the fields ..... step

monet-poppy field
Poppies have always fascinated me seem dancers dressed in red tulle that rotate the body to move their elegant capricious wind. My grandmother took me as a baby by the hand and we entered the large garden behind the small house by the sea in spring was filled with daisies and red poppies, so surrounded by those colors, we would sit on two chairs and she taught me to ask questions and ask them to play the flowers to dance.
Take a poppy gently fold the petals up outside and you dance with the beautiful red tutu, turning the rod in his hands.
I love watching the poppies, I seem animated little creatures camouflaged as that in a turn of an eye, down from their stems and jump, dance, chat without being seen. Even now go in the middle of a field excites me, for the discovery that behind the adventure fragile whispered to find wild orchids, dancers tubes or divine seers to ask your loved one. What would the meadows and the fields without the color of these red hot kisses?

Frit (Daddy with black olives)


200 grams of Daddy, a
some black olives, garlic
onion salt if it wants
extra virgin olive oil

It 's a dish of my shares as I think the whole south, I do not know why dialect is called frit probably because it's as good as if it was fried, even though he is a piattoc only vegetable appancia molto.La daddy, and papaverine is also called the poppy plant is cultivated in the months from November to February when it is still Young and the poppies are not in bloom. It 's a quick and delicious recipe, you fry in extra virgin olive oil garlic and onion, then add the fried vegetables raw and stretches with two cups of water, add salt and cook. A few minutes before turning off the black olives are added and mixed well. The dad becomes very soft on the palate, soft and enveloping scent its leaves and black olives is something unforgettable!

lying on a lawn in a face-up, completely covered by flowers, you will admire a beautiful sky in shades of charm, then the tolling of a distant bell and opens a door to another world, quiet and shy, which sounds and colors ..

With this recipe I participate in the contest for the good of sunflowers, bee-illa-related project for non-profit organization supporting women affected by endometriosis, it is proposed in line with healthy eating recipes, no saturated fat or red meat, more information can be read by clicking on the link below. I chose this recipe because it is linked to women, women had to gather wild herbs to make tasty and why the base is very poor, extra virgin olive oil and vegetables, although it can be very appancia pensatoc ow boundary with its pleasant aroma and taste.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Do Sore Throat Hurt More At Night

Riccetti for Albertine and many other children ..

I read on the web for this great initiative , Caris of this courageous mother, who like all those in similar situations, organize, get things moving, they're not watching, ever, because at stake is the health, well-being of innocent lives of their children .. . As in this case! But read it directly from his words here.
In this case also a virtual network, but people who are busy, they do their job well, which give body and soul every day, even if the "Summits" that almost never care for them almost never count the times, people ...
Perhaps only a mother's heart knows how it feels to be usurped a right: the right to allow your child the necessary care and the right help. For this and why do I still believe that serve more and more that watch, do something, even a small thing, it is always better to resign and give up!
I also want to offer my small contribution to this laudable initiative, it is little I know, only my drop in the bucket, but it is also said to me:

And then here's my Riccetto Albertino for you, I wish with all my heart donartelo:

The recipe is just right for little ones (my child has eaten them all!) and I'm really easy to do as well as friendly and nice to see!
I had seen them from my sweet friend and inimitable Gaia (You can tell that I have a weakness for her, right?) And I have replicated thinking of a suitable recipe for this collection, in favor of the initiative which I have just spoken:

I think it's important to publicize it, so get involved and more aware that you too are reading!

Ingredients: (for 6 small curls)
2 slices of ham
a piece of cheese (I had the brie and I used that)
pine nuts

Mix the ham and cheese in the mixer, formed into balls and add the eyes (raisins), and the spikes the nose (pine nuts) and finally make gil mustache with rosemary.
And here they are:

A Caris however, Albert's mother, very much hope to be able to fulfill his desire, and that you can continue to March 29 to say to his son in a curt tone:
"stories do not, tomorrow you're going to physiotherapy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do Kidney Stones Stint Pregnancy

candied orange peel .... night-white granulated sugar

Yesterday was late at night and read the Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle, bought from the library of the big city a little less than one euro, the law of Baskerville and his poor night on the moor in his big house, to look at that gate, beyond which the fear and remained out all night, with his strange noises and its creatures. I do not know if it was like for the night but here Baskerville has some unexpected colors every night is different. So, I put the book in many other disorders, put on a fine show of himself on the bedside table and I rushed out to see a little bit today as it was. And you wonder. looking out from the porch to peek out from under the arches, to see what will turn out, what color is the brown robe, like a capricious woman or as a mysterious fortune teller. Sometimes the sky orange to yellow under the street lights that illuminate the small, deserted streets, at times, however, is dark blue velvet night with a few sketches with red, others black silk with the swish of pleated What is the wind through the foliage of the giant trees of the abandoned mansion. Last night was wonderful, was white, with a wet blanket that caressed the surface in its path, leaving a layer of crystals in place, like a transparent white lace shawl, like tears hung in the air . I curled up on my favorite step to savor that enchantment, I could not see an inch from your nose, small ears back to my lullabies sung by birds and some distant mewing call of a stubborn cat that sings her longing. Never seen a work of art so beautiful, like a painting of casein on canvas, it looked orange powder of granulated sugar ...

candied orange peel


organic orange peel
sugar water

Take peelings orange and cut into strips, a small crescent moon, wash well and soak for two days, change water frequently.
Place them in a pot cover with water and boil, then drain well and pesatele.

So much the weight of the peel so the sugar will want (eg 200 g of peel, 200 grams of sugar). It takes a apentola settle on the bottom and peels pour over sugar, taking care to let them rest so no-bake for 30 minutes or more. This will cause the sugar to the principle of osmosis pulls water away from the peel There will be no need to add it.
past thirty minutes we light the flame and cook slowly over low heat, stirring gently so that the peels are not sticking to the bottom of the pan, cook until water dries. When the syrup has not yet dried everything off and stirring constantly but gently until it dries in the heat forfeited.

the moon at times like last night can be dazzling, almost squinting his eyes for the light it gave off, I would not be surprised if last night that cat lover to his beloved had taken a flower of candied orange peel ...

participate in the contest of the band:

contest and Cynthia:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Purple Sheet Cake Ideas

A heart in my heart for Valentine's Day ... ASPIC POMEGRANATE AND PINEAPPLE

are not yet who was very expert with the agar agar, (I would say that they are not at all), but to improve "touches" to experiment right?
How else can we improve?!? ;;)
So forgive the imperfections ...
I thought of a flow-fruit dessert for the contest of Flavia, but have you seen how many recipes have been sent? I just could not miss mica, not!
So Flavia , this is my contribution for you:

For this contest:

Ed here's the recipe:

Ingredients: (for 6 small aspic)
a large ripe pomegranate (I have weighed the mine had already shelled 350 g)
3 tablespoons sugar
half glass of water
1 slice pineapple cut into thick
1cucchiaino satin agar agar
a drop of raisins (yes: p I'm viziosetta!)

Mindful of the effort made to extract the juice of pomegranates for my jelly prepared from "jars" and give at Christmas, I decided to use the Thermomix to expedite the procedure, but do not do it again, then I will explain the why!
Having cleaned and ginned the pomegranate (being careful to remove the white goods and cuticle), I shake all in the Thermomix. I speed up everything, but alas I had comunuqe filter, because the seeds were still there, so my advice is to use if you have it, a spin-vegetables, or as I did to prepare the jelly pomegranate, mash the beans with a potato-crushing!
You are right, is long and laborious, but it is much better, because you can not only extract the juice!
However once you got the juice, put it in a pot to boil with sugar (and if you like a shot of liquor, I added the raisins).
part warmed a little water, in which loose well agar agar (being careful to add a little at a time or thickens quickly). Finally add the glass of water and juice agar, boil and turn off just barely. Pour the mixture into the appropriate care stencil (I used the silicone ones).
With a tiny heart-shaped cutters, I got a piece of pineapple and place in paper cups, I position it well in the center than the pomegranate juice. Let cool and misshapen.
And here ready:

Friday, February 11, 2011

Natural Anti-persperant

macaroni Just to ........ matter of seats and relaxation of recipes and whispered to Valep

Ehm Ehm ... This recipe comes from a state of despair mixed with whooping Rosica. Now, I opened my account faccialibro whistling and I had to put the affairs of us snoop around other foodblogger dealing with thousands of parallel lives, now my attention has been catalyzed by the status of Tantoper who recounted a wonderful moment of relaxation dear valep on his comfortable chair to eat a delicious plate of pasta with a bit of breathing and peace after a long period of routine .. status now I read in a day when the stress was the star for about two minutes I had noticed that, I do not know what secret superpower, I was able to cancel, surely, an important file to your PC at work (aiuuuuutttttooooo) none of my friends seemed to be reached, even for a telephone advice line, the dept. was full of people (who do not know where it was checked out then, when all is usually quiet and calm) then all crazy and anxious, I was in front trying the ringleaders that file, which tried to pull the best smile of someone who has everything under control hours of my life .... you will understand that precarious status Worth reading I could not sit there watching, she would give me the solution to my puzzle .. she was having a recipe for my health ..... so I did somersaults and dodging glances of my foreman, I was able to communicate with the dear Valep and I extracted the mythical recipe .. I made one or two changes to adapt to my fridge and weeping in fact it worked .....


70 grams of macaroni wheat orecchiette
2 or 3 tops broccoli sprouts
a piece of cured ham (reminiscent Christmas)
1 tablespoon cheese half cup of bread crumbs, onion
garlic extra virgin olive oil salt

BACKGROUND: The original recipe calls for orecchiette but I only had the macaroni wheat, also included cabbage and Parmesan, but needless to say, my fridge is now in depression I was lacking, so I adapted to Sicilian broccoli and bread crumbs scrocchiarella.
So first if you have a husband trovategli something to do such a conference or something and you put the little brat to read that the recipe does not work if not, is a recipe for relaxation pro, I for my part I gave the baby to my dog \u200b\u200bAri believed Lord and I left out wagging his tail and winking at a handsome setterina that pass through here.
said: prepare the sauce with garlic and extra virgin olive oil, put it begins to heat to toast the bread crumbs a bit and then remove from pan, place on a plate. Cut the broccoli into small pieces and boil in salted water, drain when cooked but not too much and put them in a pan in which we already fried with a little olive oil, chopped onion, sliced \u200b\u200bthin and cut into cubes of ham and a pinch of dried chilli lively taste, stir and turn off. In the same water for cooking broccoli cooking pasta, drain and pour into pan up the heat and whisk. Only last
add the breadcrumbs scrocchiarella beautiful, adorable as my uncle would say, over the plate.

But the recipe for you to have the desired effect you have to find a place for relaxing your mind in your home, I have enjoyed on the porch, on my comfortable wicker chairs and retro, nestled by the warm winter sun ..

PS: At the end of the file I was able to revive patients by a team of friends! And after two hours of frantic search and spells! Fiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ........................... saved by miracle.

With this recipe I participate in the contest


and context, but you're just a broccoli?

The contest of The Shrimp

Expires March 31

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Microwave Plastic Cancer 2010

beans and fennel soup with meatballs skinny .... the sun liar .. Pitta

The weather is calm, the sun peeps out at times and whispers sweet thoughts, how to pull the clothes out of the closet and put a little lighter scarves, scarf and sweater. Then maybe you do, as it happened to me, and you realize it's not much sense to put all the heavy sweaters, and evening there is a cold that freezes you and that if we are in February and is still considered winter, well There will be a reason. So when you go to work, wearing a cotton blouse and a wool vest and feel your arms become stalactites plan, immediately understand why, you begin to rattle in the head by the thought that maybe some sweater is taken, if it can to survive hypothermia.
get home through a sleeping town, holed up at home, surrounded by a fine mist of moisture that is condensed to a meter from the ground, while a tremendous wind and freezing cold to me at every step. The chimneys are still on, can be seen from every house the sfumacchiare constant flue hood. With my heels grind ice road, like a marathon runner with notebooks and books in tow. Ari comes to me not even the holidays, looks at me from behind the door with her baby in her mouth, yawns, it's too cold, it takes me an hour to turn the key to his hands clenched, in the end we can and a subtle warmth to me speaks of warm velvety veal meatballs accompanied by lovely fragrant ..



(for smooth)
200 gr of green beans,
200 grams of fennel,
100 grams of pumpkin,
2 potatoes,
1 onion, 2 carrots
sage and thyme,
extra virgin olive oil

(for meatballs)
200 grams of minced lean
1 egg,
1 cup bread crumbs,
grated lemon peel, salt
extra virgin olive oil,
2 tablespoons Parmesan

Recipe is very simple you fry the whole onion, cut into small pieces and then The following is added: the cubes of potato and fennel, broad beans, two carrots and cut celery and pumpkin. It can be lengthened with hot water and only a few minutes after you add the crushed sage and thyme.

By the time the soup, cook it in a bowl mix the minced meat with egg, cheese, four tablespoons of bread crumbs, crushed garlic, lemon peel, salt. If the dough is too soft add the breadcrumbs, if too hard just a tablespoon of milk. Make small balls, using your hands and pass on a bed of breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil. If
bake in extra virgin olive oil at the right temperature you will not even need to let them dry on paper towels and fry will be perfect!

Skip to the mix once cooled the soup and serve hot with a bit of cheese along with the meatballs by soaking or enjoy one after the other ... then riorganizzatevi the Wardrobe and pull out some winter sweater and store the shirt cute but too light;)

PS: The bicchierozzo is Primitivo!

With this post I participate in the contest MinĂ¹:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Desert Eagle Metall Chrom

caramelized onion sauce with Parmesan cheese sandwiches

Today I reproduce a famous recipe Davide Oldani , Milanese chef pupil of Marchesi (as you already know my first teacher!) Of which I fully agree with style in the kitchen and thought
Oldani that brings with it as an indispensable asset in his dishes are:
love for the tradition of being good at the table,
the respect for tradition,
the use of ingredients considered the most "poor or very noble,"
its relationship with the simple things
and the total absence of frills inuili!

Really, really! I love it!

Look a little ... and judge for yourself if I'm right!

In version made by me I only used the hot cream, but I leave you the recipe to achieve both: cold and hot sauce, just as expected the original version of Oldani.

Ingredients: ( Serves 4)
for onions and sugar crystallized:
2 onions
g butter 125 g sugar
for the pastry:
50 g flour 00
50 g of butter
2 g of salt
10 g of cold water
for cold cream and cream hot
50 g of cream (cold cream)
10 g of water (cold cream)
30 g of sugar (cold cream)
20 g of parmesan cheese (cold cream)
salt (cold cream)
50 g of milk (cream hot)

20 g of parmesan cheese (hot cream)
salt (hot cream)


Peel onions, cut in half and steam cook for 20 minutes.
For the pastry, mix all ingredients gently and six rounds dates easy with an interval of 30 minutes every two revolutions. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 mm and cut into squares of side 8 cm.
for granulated sugar, melt the butter and sugar, after 5 minutes remove from heat, let rest 10 minutes, remove the serum to the surface and let cool.
for cold cream, a syrup prepared with water and sugar, pour the cream and heat to 55 ° C.
United parmesan, strain, add salt and stir in the cold ice cream.
For the hot cream and bring to a boil the milk with the salt, remove from heat and stir in the Parmesan cheese. When melted filtered and keep warm.
Place mold in every 10 grams of granulated sugar, put on half an onion and a square of pastry. Bake at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes.
Place dishes in a tablespoon of hot sauce, Lie down on the onion, add the cold cream and a pinch of salt.

Finally, a very special thank you to Maetta What fun to know that it will accept as usual for a corner, my recipe for his collection:

that despite his kind could extend back almost to elude ...
Maetta lose, you know why!