Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Microwave Plastic Cancer 2010

beans and fennel soup with meatballs skinny .... the sun liar .. Pitta

The weather is calm, the sun peeps out at times and whispers sweet thoughts, how to pull the clothes out of the closet and put a little lighter scarves, scarf and sweater. Then maybe you do, as it happened to me, and you realize it's not much sense to put all the heavy sweaters, and evening there is a cold that freezes you and that if we are in February and is still considered winter, well There will be a reason. So when you go to work, wearing a cotton blouse and a wool vest and feel your arms become stalactites plan, immediately understand why, you begin to rattle in the head by the thought that maybe some sweater is taken, if it can to survive hypothermia.
get home through a sleeping town, holed up at home, surrounded by a fine mist of moisture that is condensed to a meter from the ground, while a tremendous wind and freezing cold to me at every step. The chimneys are still on, can be seen from every house the sfumacchiare constant flue hood. With my heels grind ice road, like a marathon runner with notebooks and books in tow. Ari comes to me not even the holidays, looks at me from behind the door with her baby in her mouth, yawns, it's too cold, it takes me an hour to turn the key to his hands clenched, in the end we can and a subtle warmth to me speaks of warm velvety veal meatballs accompanied by lovely fragrant ..



(for smooth)
200 gr of green beans,
200 grams of fennel,
100 grams of pumpkin,
2 potatoes,
1 onion, 2 carrots
sage and thyme,
extra virgin olive oil

(for meatballs)
200 grams of minced lean
1 egg,
1 cup bread crumbs,
grated lemon peel, salt
extra virgin olive oil,
2 tablespoons Parmesan

Recipe is very simple you fry the whole onion, cut into small pieces and then The following is added: the cubes of potato and fennel, broad beans, two carrots and cut celery and pumpkin. It can be lengthened with hot water and only a few minutes after you add the crushed sage and thyme.

By the time the soup, cook it in a bowl mix the minced meat with egg, cheese, four tablespoons of bread crumbs, crushed garlic, lemon peel, salt. If the dough is too soft add the breadcrumbs, if too hard just a tablespoon of milk. Make small balls, using your hands and pass on a bed of breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil. If
bake in extra virgin olive oil at the right temperature you will not even need to let them dry on paper towels and fry will be perfect!

Skip to the mix once cooled the soup and serve hot with a bit of cheese along with the meatballs by soaking or enjoy one after the other ... then riorganizzatevi the Wardrobe and pull out some winter sweater and store the shirt cute but too light;)

PS: The bicchierozzo is Primitivo!

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