Monday, February 21, 2011

Acrostic Poem For Funny

leg of lamb with roasted potatoes with orange gremolada

Certainly the lamb is a meat that does not please everyone, perhaps for its rich flavor and a bit special, someone who refuses to eat for the " tenderness generated from thinking they can do the bad end of the poor and innocent little lambs, a symbol par excellence of meekness ...

But who reads me constantly, he already knows our family well I have to satisfy two carnivores, and then convinced a few times a lamb escapes and the cooking!
Given the very decided taste of this meat, I decided to "soften" a bit by using the orange (juice and rind), making a sort of "gremolada" my way and I must say we were very pleased Result! To repeat my opinion! We really liked ... try it!

A leg of lamb
1 carrot 1 small onion
1 stalk celery
1 orange 1 / 2 clove garlic
1 / 2 cup dry white wine
1 sprig of rosemary, parsley
oil, salt and pepper to taste

Having washed the leg of lamb, I have anointed with a dribble of extra virgin olive oil a baking sheet, on which I then laid a sprig of rosemary and roast leg of lamb already recorded. I have prepared a fine chop celery, carrot, onion, parsley and half a clove of garlic and I sprinkled the leg, then the grated rind of an orange juice and keep aside. I adjusted the salt (and pepper if you like) I added diced potatoes, another round of oil and finally I let it cook in the oven covered (with aluminum foil) at 180 ° C for about 45 minutes , turning halfway through cooking and bathing with half a glass of wine dry white wine and orange juice.

With this recipe, given the dominant presence of the orange, I would like to participate in the contest organized by Ramona which you can read here :

and also in the contest organized by Cynthia this here:


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