Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chest Congestion Causes

Chocolate Cake by Silvia P. .... sweet awakenings ...

I started forking two changes fast in the small gym bag, hat pulled down until, to cover the bitter cold and icy gusts that raged at six in the morning. I left in a hurry to pass a historic w from my friend, companion and not only hardships universitaire, trusted confidant and special friend R transplanted in the city of lilies. I looked at the tracks slip away, thrown back with my thoughts, associated with uncertainties and questions about my life, the color of my future. I have about six hours by train behind me six hours to the big city and then set off fast and still feel large trees behind me barking. And 'Sunday morning, on Saturday behind us left us two eyes and a great desire to read yet toying in bed, warm, with the covers over your chin. A thin ray of sun makes its way boldly through the window behind me, it stretches and stretches, timidly stroking his cheek still numb from sleep. The classic after a day walking along streets and amaze new and enchanted palaces, that seduces you after an evening of cocktails accompanied by the lovely solfeggios Puppini Sister's vague and night tours of talk and stories. With huge effort I try to open my eyes, stubborn but I do not respond. The room of the small R skirts and colorful cuisine. I hear light footsteps and safe movements tinker with wooden spoons and bowls. Feel scents of lemon and sweet treats a few meters from my bed. Groping for the covers on my phone that I dive, I remember using it and not put the best from me, I find it, marks the ten-thirty, late morning. Notes of chocolate sneak into the room and I tickle the nose, smells of vanilla secret, kept in the notebook of valuable Silvia P. R. roommate wakes and sweet desserts like this chocolate cake that looks like a view, cherished by a sweet layer of icing sugar and whispered recipes ..

Chocolate Cake by Silvia P.


150 grams of butter;
125 gr. powdered sugar, 4 eggs
200g of dark chocolate;
1 potato starch

Butter the cake pan and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and place in refrigerator. Melt the butter and dark chocolate. Fit egg yolks with sugar icing and plan to add the melted chocolate, the spoonful of starch and the whites beaten stiff.

Then pour it all and bake in moderate oven 180 ° or 200 °, depending on the oven for 25 to 30 minutes. The cake must not cook a lot for not losing its characteristic softness! Now we have to sprinkle with powdered sugar and let it cool and then remove from pan and serve between the eyes in anxious expectation of the guests! And I assure you that we are due to hold not dive above:)

plodding led by my nose as a brilliant sleuth I followed those concentrated notes of chocolate and sugar icing and I see there is still steaming fresh from the oven to the glare of light, I wake up in the contemplation of this wonderful dessert. So fascinated, I ask Silvia to let me peek into her notebook of recipes for this wonderful post on my blog
Mai breakfast was so sweet ..
Florentine kisses to all;)


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