Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do Kidney Stones Stint Pregnancy

candied orange peel .... night-white granulated sugar

Yesterday was late at night and read the Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle, bought from the library of the big city a little less than one euro, the law of Baskerville and his poor night on the moor in his big house, to look at that gate, beyond which the fear and remained out all night, with his strange noises and its creatures. I do not know if it was like for the night but here Baskerville has some unexpected colors every night is different. So, I put the book in many other disorders, put on a fine show of himself on the bedside table and I rushed out to see a little bit today as it was. And you wonder. looking out from the porch to peek out from under the arches, to see what will turn out, what color is the brown robe, like a capricious woman or as a mysterious fortune teller. Sometimes the sky orange to yellow under the street lights that illuminate the small, deserted streets, at times, however, is dark blue velvet night with a few sketches with red, others black silk with the swish of pleated What is the wind through the foliage of the giant trees of the abandoned mansion. Last night was wonderful, was white, with a wet blanket that caressed the surface in its path, leaving a layer of crystals in place, like a transparent white lace shawl, like tears hung in the air . I curled up on my favorite step to savor that enchantment, I could not see an inch from your nose, small ears back to my lullabies sung by birds and some distant mewing call of a stubborn cat that sings her longing. Never seen a work of art so beautiful, like a painting of casein on canvas, it looked orange powder of granulated sugar ...

candied orange peel


organic orange peel
sugar water

Take peelings orange and cut into strips, a small crescent moon, wash well and soak for two days, change water frequently.
Place them in a pot cover with water and boil, then drain well and pesatele.

So much the weight of the peel so the sugar will want (eg 200 g of peel, 200 grams of sugar). It takes a apentola settle on the bottom and peels pour over sugar, taking care to let them rest so no-bake for 30 minutes or more. This will cause the sugar to the principle of osmosis pulls water away from the peel There will be no need to add it.
past thirty minutes we light the flame and cook slowly over low heat, stirring gently so that the peels are not sticking to the bottom of the pan, cook until water dries. When the syrup has not yet dried everything off and stirring constantly but gently until it dries in the heat forfeited.

the moon at times like last night can be dazzling, almost squinting his eyes for the light it gave off, I would not be surprised if last night that cat lover to his beloved had taken a flower of candied orange peel ...

participate in the contest of the band:

contest and Cynthia:


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