Friday, February 11, 2011

Natural Anti-persperant

macaroni Just to ........ matter of seats and relaxation of recipes and whispered to Valep

Ehm Ehm ... This recipe comes from a state of despair mixed with whooping Rosica. Now, I opened my account faccialibro whistling and I had to put the affairs of us snoop around other foodblogger dealing with thousands of parallel lives, now my attention has been catalyzed by the status of Tantoper who recounted a wonderful moment of relaxation dear valep on his comfortable chair to eat a delicious plate of pasta with a bit of breathing and peace after a long period of routine .. status now I read in a day when the stress was the star for about two minutes I had noticed that, I do not know what secret superpower, I was able to cancel, surely, an important file to your PC at work (aiuuuuutttttooooo) none of my friends seemed to be reached, even for a telephone advice line, the dept. was full of people (who do not know where it was checked out then, when all is usually quiet and calm) then all crazy and anxious, I was in front trying the ringleaders that file, which tried to pull the best smile of someone who has everything under control hours of my life .... you will understand that precarious status Worth reading I could not sit there watching, she would give me the solution to my puzzle .. she was having a recipe for my health ..... so I did somersaults and dodging glances of my foreman, I was able to communicate with the dear Valep and I extracted the mythical recipe .. I made one or two changes to adapt to my fridge and weeping in fact it worked .....


70 grams of macaroni wheat orecchiette
2 or 3 tops broccoli sprouts
a piece of cured ham (reminiscent Christmas)
1 tablespoon cheese half cup of bread crumbs, onion
garlic extra virgin olive oil salt

BACKGROUND: The original recipe calls for orecchiette but I only had the macaroni wheat, also included cabbage and Parmesan, but needless to say, my fridge is now in depression I was lacking, so I adapted to Sicilian broccoli and bread crumbs scrocchiarella.
So first if you have a husband trovategli something to do such a conference or something and you put the little brat to read that the recipe does not work if not, is a recipe for relaxation pro, I for my part I gave the baby to my dog \u200b\u200bAri believed Lord and I left out wagging his tail and winking at a handsome setterina that pass through here.
said: prepare the sauce with garlic and extra virgin olive oil, put it begins to heat to toast the bread crumbs a bit and then remove from pan, place on a plate. Cut the broccoli into small pieces and boil in salted water, drain when cooked but not too much and put them in a pan in which we already fried with a little olive oil, chopped onion, sliced \u200b\u200bthin and cut into cubes of ham and a pinch of dried chilli lively taste, stir and turn off. In the same water for cooking broccoli cooking pasta, drain and pour into pan up the heat and whisk. Only last
add the breadcrumbs scrocchiarella beautiful, adorable as my uncle would say, over the plate.

But the recipe for you to have the desired effect you have to find a place for relaxing your mind in your home, I have enjoyed on the porch, on my comfortable wicker chairs and retro, nestled by the warm winter sun ..

PS: At the end of the file I was able to revive patients by a team of friends! And after two hours of frantic search and spells! Fiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ........................... saved by miracle.

With this recipe I participate in the contest


and context, but you're just a broccoli?

The contest of The Shrimp

Expires March 31


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